As amended through November 21, 2022
(1) The Prothonotary, his deputy and employees, and all persons employed in this Court, shall neither practice as attorneys, nor be interested, directly or indirectly, as partners or otherwise, in the fees of attorneys practicing in this Court.(2) Attorneys shall not communicate or cause another to communicate with a judge or an official before whom a proceeding in which the attorney is involved is pending, with regard to such proceeding, except:(a) in the course of official proceedings in the cause,(b) in writing if he promptly delivers a copy of the writing to opposing counsel or the adverse party if he is unrepresented, or(c) orally upon adequate notice to opposing counsel or to the adverse party if unrepresented.(3) No attorney, who is also a Notary Public, or otherwise authorized to administer oaths, shall take the affidavit of his own client.(4) No attorney will be received as bail or surety in any suit, action, prosecution, or proceeding in any Court of this County, whether or not a Court of record, nor may the Prothonotary, Sheriff, Sheriff's Officer, or any other person concerned in the execution of process, become such bail or surety in any action or proceeding.