Daup. Cnty. Pa. 205.2(a)

As amended through November 21, 2022
Rule 205.2(a) - Physical Characteristics Of Pleadings And Other Legal Papers
(1) All documents filed in the Office of Prothonotary shall be on 81/2 inch by 11-inch paper and shall comply with the following requirements:
(a) The document shall be prepared on white paper of good quality and the use of recycled paper is encouraged.
(b) The first sheet shall contain a 3-inch space from the top of the paper for all court stampings, filing notices, etc.
(c) The text must be double spaced, but quotations more than two lines long may be indented and single spaced. Except as provided in subsection b, margins must be at least one inch on all four sides.
(d) The lettering shall be clear, legible and no smaller than Arial 12 point.
(e) The lettering shall be on only one side of a page.
(f) All exhibit tabs shall appear at the bottom of the pleading.
(g) No backers shall be used on the original or any copies of pleadings or other legal papers filed with the Prothonotary. The original of pleadings or other legal papers should be stapled in the top left corner. If the document is over one-half inch thick, it should be secured with a binder clip. Backers may be used for copies provided to the court, opposing parties or clients.
(h) Exhibits or attachments smaller than 81/2 inches by 11 inches shall be attached to a regular size paper by using adhesive tape.
(i) Pages shall be consecutively numbered beginning with page 2 and said number shall appear on the bottom center of the pleading.
(j) The name of the attorney or party, the address at which service can be made, a telephone number and email address of the attorney or party shall appear on the top left-hand corner of the first page of all papers filed in the Office of the Prothonotary.
(k) With the initiating filing and all subsequent filings, in cases where medical malpractice is or will be alleged, the notation "Civil Action - Medical Professional Liability Action" shall appear on all captions directly underneath the docket number.
(l) Any courtesy copies of filings that are provided to a judge and served on opposing parties must be firmly bound and any metal fasteners or staples must be securely covered with no sharp or protruding edges of any kind.
(m) Filings of record may be referenced in any subsequent filing but shall not be attached thereto.
(n) Attorneys and self-represented parties shall comply with the Case Records Public Access Policy of the Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania and Local Rules of Judicial Administration 101 and 102 which may be found on the Dauphin County website under Local Rules of Court.
(2) The Prothonotary shall endorse upon each paper filed, the date and time of its filing, and enter it upon the proper docket.
(a) All civil motions, petitions, administrative applications and answers or responses thereto shall be accompanied by a proposed order (or alternative orders). Except for Petitions in Forfeiture filed pursuant to 42 Pa. C.S.A. § 5805, Petitions shall also include a proposed Rule to Show Cause.
(b) The proposed order(s) and any Rule to Show Cause shall contain a distribution legend which shall include the name(s) and mailing address(es), telephone number(s), facsimile number(s) and e-mail address(es), if any, of all attorneys and self-represented parties to be served. The distribution legend shall identify which party each person represents.
(c) Counsel and self-represented litigants are strongly encouraged to include stamped envelopes addressed to the attorneys and/or self-represented parties listed in the distribution legend along with all proposed orders and/or Rules to Show Cause.
(4) The judge(s) chambers shall:
(a) file the original order with the Prothonotary;
(b) prepare copies of the order for mailing;
(c) have the Prothonotary's Office certify the copies for mailing;
(d) mail copies of the certified order to all parties listed in the distribution legend;
(e) note the date of mailing and the initials of the person who accomplished the mailing on the filed original order.

Daup. Cnty. Pa. 205.2(a)

Amended effective 1/18/2022.


Paragraph (3) of this rule is intended to formalize a practice of long standing in Dauphin County as well as the majority of other counties. The proposed order should identify the relief sought, e.g. continuance, rule to show cause, request status or discovery conference, amend a complaint, etc.

An accurate distribution legend naming all attorneys and self-represented parties and their addresses, telephone numbers, facsimile numbers and e-mail addresses, if any, is essential since the court is now assuming the responsibility for service of its orders. Inclusion of facsimile numbers and e-mail addresses is not intended to authorize service by these methods.

Paragraph (4) of this rule is intended to formalize what is now a hybrid process which has left some doubt as to the responsibility for service of orders.