Chest. Cnty. Ct. Comm. Plea. R. 105(C)

As amended through February 1, 2024
Rule 105(C) - Chester County Criminal Rules Committee

A criminal procedural rules committee may be established by the President Judge from time to time to study and make recommendations to the Court concerning local procedure in criminal matters and the promulgation and amendment of local rules of criminal procedure. The committee shall consist of a judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Chester County, together with at least four (4) members in good standing of the Bar of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, who maintain a principal office for the practice of law in Chester County. The judicial member and two lawyer members of the committee shall be appointed by the President Judge, one representative shall be named by the District Attorney of Chester County and one representative shall be named by the Public Defender of Chester County. All members shall serve at the will of the person appointing them. The President Judge shall select the Chairman of the committee. The committee shall meet and report at the direction of the President Judge, or of the Chairman of the committee.

Chest. Cnty. Ct. Comm. Plea. R. 105(C)

Amended effective 6/21/2021; amended effective 2/1/2024.