Penn. C.C.R.C.P. 249.1

As amended through February 1, 2024
Rule 249.1 - Administration Conference Of Civil Cases
A. The court shall conduct one or more administrative conferences in each case in which the judge is requested to do so by any party and may conduct administrative conferences in any matter at any time or times upon the judge's own motion.
B. At the administrative conference the court shall become acquainted with the salient facts and issues of the case, shall determine discovery and pretrial motion schedules and shall set dates for further conferences and trial.
C. No later than five (5) days in advance of the administrative conference, each party shall file with the assigned judge and immediately serve upon all other parties an administrative conference memorandum which shall set forth the following:
(1) A brief statement of the nature of the action; plaintiff shall set forth the claim and defendant(s) shall set forth the defenses.
(2) A statement of the salient facts of the case.
(3) A list of all monetary damages claimed, including lost earnings, loss of future earning capacity, medical expenses (itemized), etc. and a specification of any relief other than monetary damages being sought.
(4) Special comments regarding legal issues or other appropriate matters including specifically setting forth any unique or unusual aspect of the case.
(5) A brief statement of the status of all discovery, including a proposed schedule for the completion of discovery, the status of all outstanding pretrial motions and petitions and any further pretrial motions or petitions contemplated and a statement of any other pretrial matters requiring resolution prior to the case being ready for trial. Each Party shall submit a proposed pretrial order governing all of the matters set forth in this subparagraph.
(6) An estimate of the number of days required for trial.

Penn. C.C.R.C.P. 249.1