Penn. C.C.R.C.P. 208.2(e)

As amended through February 1, 2024
Rule 208.2(e) - Discovery Motion And Petition Certification
i. All counsel have an affirmative obligation to confer and discuss discovery matters and make a good faith effort to resolve such differences as may exist.
ii. Any motion or petition relating to discovery must be accompanied by a certificate of counsel for the moving party certifying that counsel has conferred with opposing counsel with respect to each matter set forth in the discovery motion or petition in good faith, but has been unable to resolve the issue. The certificate shall set forth the exact time, place and manner (which may be telephonic) of the conference or, in a case in which counsel for the moving party cannot furnish such certificate, counsel shall furnish an alternative certificate stating that opposing counsel has refused to so confer. The alternative certificate shall also set forth the efforts made by counsel for the moving party to obtain compliance by opposing counsel and such other facts and circumstances as exist to justify the absence of the required certificate.
iii. The court at its discretion may strike, dismiss or deny the petition or motion for failure of the moving party to comply with the certification requirements of this rule, or may grant relief based solely upon the unreasonable refusal of opposing counsel to confer despite reasonable and good faith efforts of the moving party to comply with the certification requirements of this rule or may grant relief based solely upon the unreasonable refusal of opposing counsel to confer despite reasonable and good faith efforts of moving counsel to arrange such conference.

Penn. C.C.R.C.P. 208.2(e)