Buck. Cnty. Pa. *925

As amended through January 1, 2018
Rule *925 - Judgments On Old Warrants Of Attorney

Judgment shall not be entered upon a warrant of attorney above ten and under twenty years old, except by order of the Court or a judge in vacation, upon motion grounded on an affidavit setting forth that the warrant was duly executed, that the party executing the same is still living and that the money is unpaid. When the warrant is twenty or more years old, a rule to show cause shall be served on the defendant, if to be found in the county; if not, it shall be served as directed by the Court or a judge in vacation. The original warrant of attorney on which judgment is entered shall be produced and shall remain on file in the prothonotary's office, unless otherwise ordered by the Court or a judge thereof, on cause shown.

Buck. Cnty. Pa. *925