Alle. Cnty. Pa. 5.16
In the case of a personal representative who has been required to give bond, the petition for an order requiring additional security or excusing such personal representative from entering additional security under 20 Pa. C.S. § 3351, shall set forth the following:
When an order excusing the entry of additional security is requested, or when security previously entered is to be used to secure in whole or in part the proceeds of the sale referred to in the petition, there shall be attached to the petition a stipulation signed by the surety on the existing bond accepting liability for the proceeds of the real estate to be sold.
Exhibits to such petitions shall be attached in the following order:
Except for cause shown, the surety on the bond of the personal representative at the time of appointment shall be surety on any additional bond.
When an additional bond is required, or a personal representative is excused from entering additional security, an order of court in substantially the following form shall be annexed to the petition:
And now, this _____ day of _____________, 20___, upon consideration of the annexed petition and on motion of ________________________, it is ordered, adjudged, and decreed that ____________________________________, of the estate of ____________________________ (Personal Representative) _________________________________, deceased, enter in the office of the Register of Wills additional security in the amount of $ ___________, with ____________________ as surety and, upon the entry of the same, the said ____________________________________, is authorized (Personal Representative) to receive the proceeds of the sale of the real estate known as ___________________________________________, Pennsylvania as the same is more fully (Number, Street and Municipality) described in the petition. _________________________________
Alle. Cnty. Pa. 5.16