Penn. Allegh. Cnty. 9.7

As amended through November 13, 2023
Rule 9.7 - Confirmation Of Report
Sec. 1.Objections.

Objections to the report of a master or auditor may be filed by the parties within twenty (20) days after receiving notice of the filing of the report. Copies of the Objections shall be served upon all other parties and a courtesy copy shall be provided to the Judge who appointed the Master or Auditor. Objections shall be set forth precisely and without discussion. Any matters not covered by Objections are deemed to be waived.

Sec. 2.Cross Objections.

If a party files timely Objections, then any other party to the action may file Cross Objections within twenty (20) days after the filing of Objections.

Sec. 3.Master/Auditor Fees.

The Master/Auditor shall, after prior notice to all parties, petition the court to award the fees of the Master of Auditor. The petition shall state that the Master/Auditor has filed a report, given notice to counsel of the filing thereof and the Master/Auditor has no further duties to perform. The petition shall include a detailed list of services provided and the amount for which the Master/Auditor considers to be reasonable compensation.

Sec. 4.Briefing and Argument.

Within thirty (30) days of receipt of the filing of the Objections, the court shall schedule a briefing and argument schedule with regard to the Objections. After briefing and/or argument, the court shall enter such Order or Decree as may be appropriate with regard to the matter addressed by the Auditor/Master.

Penn. Allegh. Cnty. 9.7

Explanatory Comment: The objection procedure provided for in the rule is exclusive to Chapter IX. Auditors and Masters and has no relevance to 2.7 Objection to Account.