As amended through November 29, 2024
Rule SLR 16.015 - VIOLATIONS BUREAU(1) Pursuant to ORS 153.800, the Seventh Judicial District establishes a Violations Bureau.(2) A person cited for a traffic violation may appear at the Violations Bureau to dispose of the citation or may pay the Violations Bureau fine and assessment for the traffic violation by ePay, by mail, or by signing the appearance, plea of guilty and waiver on the back of the UTC. Any of these the above options must be exercised before the first appearance date.(3) If the cited person appears personally, a form recording the person's appearance, advice of rights, waiver of trial and plea of guilty shall be signed and filed with the court.(4) The fine and applicable assessment(s) shall be paid immediately and in full at the Violations Bureau, unless the court approves a deferred payment.(5) The Violations Bureau may dispose of violation citations involving animal control, marine, and fish and game offenses as well as traffic offenses.Wheeler Supp. L. R. SLR 16.015
Amended effective 2/1/2024.