Rule 1.161 - FILING OF DOCUMENTS IN COURT(1) Filings are accepted by court clerks on the first floor of the Justice Services Building, 150 N. First Avenue, Hillsboro, Oregon, 97124. Documents pertaining to matters filed in juvenile court shall be filed at the Juvenile Services Building, 222 N. First Avenue, Hillsboro, Oregon 97124.(2) Motions to Reset and Motions to Disqualify Judge pursuant to ORS 14.250-270 shall be filed in the Calendaring Department, located in Room 100J of the Justice Services Building. See SLR 8.015 for resets in domestic relations cases. A Motion for Change of Judge shall be served on all opposing parties and a copy served upon the affected judge.(3) Family court case numbers and judges are assigned when cases are filed.(4) Release Hearing requests shall be filed in Criminal Court Administration in the Law Enforcement Center, 215 SW Adams Avenue, Hillsboro, Oregon 97123.(5) Mandatory Electronic Filing is required for members of the Oregon State Bar per UTCR 21.140. SLR 2.501 details which documents must be filed conventionally by attorneys.Amended effective 2/1/2024.