As amended through November 29, 2024
Event Anti-Harassment Policy(a) The bar seeks to provide an environment in which all attendees may learn, network and enjoy the company of colleagues in a professional atmosphere. The bar does not tolerate harassment of members or attendees at bar-sponsored events in any form. Board members are committed to providing a professional, inclusive, and harassment-free experience for everyone at bar-sponsored events, meetings and functions.(b) OSB Policy 2.102 applies to all attendees at bar-sponsored meetings and events, including bar members, bar leaders, event participants, guests, contractors, and exhibitors. For purposes of this policy, meetings and events organized by the Board of Governors, CLE Seminars, bar sections, bar committees, or the Oregon New Lawyers Division are considered bar-sponsored. BOG Policy 2.102 also applies to bar leaders who attend community, local bar, or specialty bar events as an official representative of the bar, even if the event is not bar-sponsored. For purposes of this policy, bar leaders include officers and members of the Board. If the target of a complaint is an employee of the OSB, the Employee Discrimination and Workplace Harassment Policy shall apply.(c) Any board member who is aware that someone has engaged in harassment, discrimination, or intimidation against an attendee of a bar-sponsored event, meeting or function in violation of Policy 2.103, should report the information immediately, as provided in Policy 2.103.Or. State. Bar. R. Regul. and Polic., Oregon State Bar Policies, ch. 2, Policy 2.103
Adopted effective 4/14/2023.