As amended through November 29, 2024
(a) Except as otherwise provided herein, participating members of the Bar will not receive compensation for services on behalf of CLE Seminars or Legal Publications, beyond a modest memento or other recognition and payment of expenses within board guidelines.(b) Complimentary registration for CLE seminars and scheduled video replays where the CLE Seminars Department is the content provider is available to the following OSB lawyer members: Active Pro Bono members, lawyer-legislators, 50-year members, judges, and judicial clerks.(c) Complimentary registration does not include the cost of lunch, materials in hard copy for which a separate fee is charged, any fee-based activities held in conjunction with a CLE seminar, or any other item not included in the registration fee.(d) Reduced registration for webcasts where the CLE Seminars Department is the content provider is available for the following lawyer members: Active Bro Bono members, lawyer-legislators, 50-year members, judges, and judicial clerks.(e) For purposes this policy, "judges" means full or part-time paid judges and referees of the Circuit Courts, the Court of Appeals, the Tax Court, the Supreme Court, and of tribal and federal courts within Oregon. Complimentary registration at any event for judicial clerks will be limited to one clerk for each trial court judge and two clerks for each appellate court judge.(f) Complimentary registration for Active Pro Bono members is limited to eight (8) hours of programming in any one calendar year, which may be used in increments.(g) Reduced registration, tuition assistance and complimentary copies of programs may be available to certain other attendees, at the sole discretion of the CLE Seminars Director.(h) Discounts for and complimentary copies of archived CLE Seminars products in any format where the CLE Seminars Department is the content provider may be available at the sole discretion of the CLE Seminars Director.(i) Seminars and seminar products in any format where the CLE Seminars Department is not the content provider are not subject to any discounts, complimentary registration or complimentary copies except at the sole discretion of the CLE Seminars Director.(j) CLE seminar speakers and planners will be admitted free to the seminar and receive seminar materials without charge. CLE seminar speakers and planners are eligible for reimbursement for necessary travel expenses subject to the Bar's travel reimbursement policies.Or. State. Bar. R. Regul. and Polic., Oregon State Bar Policies, ch. 15, Policy 15.100
Adopted effective 4/14/2023.