Or. State. Bar. R. Regul. and Polic., Oregon State Bar Policies, ch. 13, Policy 13.100

As amended through November 29, 2024
Standing and Special Committees
(a) Committees are established so that members can study issues within the committee's charge and make recommendations to the Board. Before January 1 of each year the Board will forward a committee charge to the chair of each committee. This charge outlines the committee's ongoing general activities as well as specific issues to be considered for the year. The Board will consult with the previous committee members before adopting the committee charge. Committees may also recommend issues to the Board to be included in the charge at any time.
(b) All voting members of standing committees typically serve on a three-year rotating basis. The President of the Board may reappoint members to a committee, if the President of the Board makes a finding of extraordinary circumstances that warrant a reappointment. Each year the Board appoints new members constituting one third of each committee. Terms begin on January 1. The Board will solicit member preference for serving on committees throughout the year.
(c) Committees have no budget, although they may make recommendations regarding the expenditure of funds already budgeted in a particular program area. A committee cannot incur any expense without prior authorization from the Chief Executive Officer.
(d) Each committee must designate a member of the committee as a contact for legislative information and involvement. This member is to work with and coordinate all activities with the Director of Public Affairs and the Public Affairs Committee of the Board.
(e) The Bar's meeting rooms will be available on a first-come first-served basis. All committees are encouraged to use the Bar's meeting rooms whenever possible. The Bar will assist committees with providing meeting notices in accordance with the requirements of the Public Meetings Law. If the Bar does not produce the meeting notice, the committee member who produces the notice must provide a copy to the Bar. The Bar will assign a bar liaison to each committee. The bar liaison serves as a resource of information for the committee. Each committee will have a contact person who is a member of the Board. It is not anticipated that the board member will attend the meetings of the committee on a regular basis.
(f) Each committee must file an annual report of its activities with the Chief Executive Officer for the preceding year by December 1 of each year. Other reports may be required from time to time.
(g) No recommendation of a committee to the Board of Governors is valid if made without a quorum present, but the absence of a quorum does not preclude a committee from studying or discussing any issue within the committee's charge. Action of the committee will be by majority vote of those voting.

Or. State. Bar. R. Regul. and Polic., Oregon State Bar Policies, ch. 13, Policy 13.100

Adopted effective 4/14/2023.