The Bar respects the diversity of its membership and its employees. Bar entities, including, but not limited to standing committees, section executive committees and Continuing Legal Education programs and publications, should invite participation that reflects this diversity. "Reflect," as used in this article, does not mean the application of quotas, but requires a good faith attempt to invite the full participation of all bar members. Reports of such efforts may be required of bar entities. In addition, no bar entity may discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, geographic location, age, handicap or disability, marital, parental or military status or other classification protected by law. No professional, business or social functions of the Bar, or any of its sections, committees, affiliates or other authorized entities may be held at any private or public facility, which discriminates, based upon the terms listed above. Furthermore, advertisements or solicitations for employment must offer equal employment opportunities. The United States Armed Forces are exempt from this policy as it regards advertisements in the bar's communications.
Or. State. Bar. R. Regul. and Polic., Oregon State Bar Bylaws, art. 9