The Board of Governors recognizes that the assessment for coverage is derived by the prudent application of actuarial principles, responsible evaluation of past and present operations and investments of the PLF and judgments about future revenue and losses. Assessments vitally affect the members of the Bar and the public, which must rely on the general availability of a wide range of legal services. The PLF has the responsibility to submit to the Board of Governors its recommended assessment for the subsequent year (or any mid-year special assessment) supported by a report evidencing: The actuarial principles and assumptions used in the proposed assessment, the evaluations of the past and current operations and investments of the PLF with respect to their effect on the proposed assessment, the judgments and assumptions employed about future revenue and losses, and all other factors that the PLF believes will or may affect the adequacy and appropriateness of the proposed assessment. The Board of Governors must review the proposed assessment, the PLF's reports, and such other information as may be appropriate. On completion of the review, the Board of Governors must adopt an assessment that it reasonably believes to be actuarially prudent and reasonably believes will provide assurance of continued financial stability of the PLF.
Or. State. Bar. R. Regul. and Polic., Oregon State Bar Bylaws, art. 18, 18.13