Percentage Fee Remittances: In addition to annual registration fees, on a monthly basis panelists pay the LRS a 12% remittance on each LRS-referred matter in which the panelist earns and collects attorneys' fees. The $35 initial consultation fee, if charged, is not subject to any remittance.
Basic Registration Fees: Annual registration fees are $50 for those admitted in Oregon for less than 3 years and $100 for those admitted in Oregon for 3 years or more.
Territories: The state is divided into 16 territories. One territory - your home territory - is included in the basic registration fee. Your home territory is determined by your primary office address. You may register for additional territories from which you would like to receive referrals, or register statewide for all territories. Each additional territory costs $50. A statewide registration costs $300 in addition to your basic registration fees.
Initial Consultations: Potential clients are entitled to an initial consultation of up to 30 minutes for a maximum fee of $35. Your regular rates apply thereafter. Telephone, computer and web/video consultations are permitted in lieu of face-to-face meetings. Mutually agreeable meeting locations that ensure safety, privacy, and professionalism are permitted, i.e., you may have a virtual law office.
Online Management of Your Profile: You may access and review your complete profile, request changes to your areas of practice and territories, and schedule a hold or reactivation of your referrals online.
Online Reporting, Submitting Payments: Online, on a monthly basis, you report back on all new and open referrals and all attorneys' fees earned and collected during the previous month. The reporting software will automatically calculate the 12% remittance for each matter and generate an invoice for you to send in with your payment.
Program Year: The LRS operates on a 12-month program year, beginning September 1 and ending August 31. Although registrations are accepted at any time, fees are not prorated for late registrants.
Your Contact Information and PLF Status: Please ensure that you are current with your PLF payment(s). Please also make sure your contact information on file with the OSB is up to date and accurate before submitting your completed LRS application and registration form. Any necessary changes should be made online by logging in to the OSB website and clicking on "Contact Information" under the "Manage Your Account" heading found at the bottom left-hand corner of the page.
Subject Matter Forms: Registration for certain Subject Matter Panels requires a separate form and affirmation showing that you meet basic competency standards. The Subject Matter Panels are:
Or. State. Bar. R. Regul. and Polic., Lawyer Referral Service General Information, 2022-23 Program Summary