Multnomah Supp. L. R. 8.017

As amended through November 29, 2024
(1) Matters Heard Ex parte

No matter shall be heard ex parte (i.e., without notice to the other side) unless specifically authorized by Oregon statute or court rule. Any motion presented without notice to the other party shall comply with UTCR 5.060 (2) (contain the words "ex parte" in the caption) and shall also cite the specific statute or rule that allows the motion to be presented without notice.

(2) Matters Heard at Ex parte Time

At least one Family Court Judge is available once daily at 1:30 PM to hear permissible ex parte matters and potentially contested emergency and scheduling motions. On retained cases, parties should contact the Retained Judge regarding that Judge's availability.

(3) Notice Requirements on Ex parte, Emergency, or Scheduling Motions

Except where a statute or rule explicitly allows an appearance without notice to the other party, a party seeking relief at scheduled or specially-arranged ex parte times must provide two (2) working days' notice to the opposing party of the date, time, and court where the relief will be sought. The party seeking relief at ex parte time must provide written certification of the date, time, and manner in which the opposing party was provided notice of the planned appearance as well as the opposing party's position on the matter to be presented (for example, "Agrees," "Disagrees," or other short explanation).

Multnomah Supp. L. R. 8.017

Amended effective 2/1/2024.