Multnomah Supp. L. R. 8.009

As amended through November 29, 2024
(1) In person Proceedings

All parties, attorneys, and witnesses are required to appear in person for proceedings not listed under the Remote Proceedings list in subsection (2).

Any participant who wishes to appear remotely may file a Motion and Declaration requesting remote appearance, setting forth any compelling reason why an exception to the in-person requirement should be made. Motions should be directed to the Chief Family Law Judge or retained judge at least 10 days in advance of the proceeding.

(2) Remote Proceedings

The Court will continue to hold the following proceedings remotely, unless the Chief Family Law Judge or retained judge either grants a Motion for in-person appearance, or orders the parties to appear in-person.

When appearing for a remote proceeding, participants shall not appear while operating a motor vehicle.

Any participant who wishes to appear in-person for a proceeding scheduled as remote may file a Motion and Declaration requesting in-person appearance, setting forth any compelling reason why an exception to the remote requirement should be made. Motions should be directed to the Chief Family Law Judge or retained judge at least 10 days in advance of the proceeding.

The following proceedings will continue to be held remotely:

(a) Trial Assignment
(b) Contested Motions for Custody/Parenting Time Evaluations
(c) Non-Evidentiary Motions to Compel (and other non-evidentiary discovery motions)
(d) Petitions for Attorney Fees
(e) Form of Judgment Hearings
(f) Contested Motions for Special Set
(g) Status Conferences
(h) Pre-trial Conferences
(i) Motions Involving Legal Argument Only
(j) UCCJEA Conferences
(k) Applications for Protective Orders
(i) Petitioners applying for protective orders who don't have the ability to receive calls may appear in-person for protective order applications upon requesting such appearance when submitting their application in-person at the courthouse. Petitioners must inform the Counter Clerk that they need to appear for such application in-person.
(3) Submission of Trial Memorandums and Exhibits

Trial memorandums shall be submitted to the assigned trial department by noon of either the day of Trial Assignment, or the judicial day prior to the scheduled proceeding.

Parties shall check with the retained/assigned judicial officer's staff on how to submit exhibits.

Multnomah Supp. L. R. 8.009

Amended effective 2/1/2024.