Multnomah Supp. L. R. 16.045

As amended through November 29, 2024
(1) Discovery Motions. Any motion or other form of request seeking documents or other information from the law enforcement agency employing the issuer of a violation citation within the scope of this chapter must be submitted directly to the law enforcement agency.
(2) Dispositive Motions. Any dispositive motion, such as a motion to dismiss a violation citation, shall be filed with the court (if by counsel, exclusively by electronic submission in accordance with UTCR 21.140), with copies served on the law enforcement agency employing the issuer of the citation and any counsel for the agency.
(3) Pretrial discovery disputes and dispositive motions will be heard and decided on the date set for trial unless the court determines that exceptional circumstances exist.

Multnomah Supp. L. R. 16.045

Amended effective 2/1/2024.