As amended through November 29, 2024
Rule 12.005 - MANDATORY MEDIATION PROGRAM(1) Except for good cause, mandatory mediation is ordered in all domestic relations, dissolution, annulment, or separation cases involving issues of child custody, parenting time and/or visitation. "Good cause" may include cases where allegations of domestic abuse and/or power imbalance exists. Either party may petition the court to exclude them from mandatory mediation based on such circumstances. Requests for exemption shall be in writing and shall be made at any time during the pendency of the case. Mediation fees are set by the Linn County Board of Commissioners. The mediation program policies and guidelines are governed by the Linn County Mediation Commission.(2) If the parties reach full agreement in mediation the mediator shall reduce the agreement to writing, shall file the same with the court, and provide copies to the parties and their attorneys not more than ten (10) days after the agreement is reached. The agreement shall become final and binding on the parties if no one objects to it within twenty-one (21) days after it is provided to the parties. Objections must be filed with the court and the mediator describing exactly what parts of the mediated agreement do not reflect the parties' agreement. The court may refer the matter back to the mediator at its discretion.Amended effective 2/1/2024.