Lincoln Supp. L. R. 3.011

As amended through November 29, 2024
Rule 3.011 - Proper Attire

In addition to UTCR 3.010(2) that requires all attorneys and court officials to dress in an appropriate manner so as not to detract from the dignity of the court, the following attire is required for all attorneys appearing in court regardless of the mode of the proceeding: Shirts with collars, ties, jackets, slacks or trousers, dresses, skirts and blouses. No low-cut blouses or dresses, or sleeveless garments. Skirts and dresses must be an appropriate and professional length.

Anyone that does not comply with this rule may be required to leave until they are properly dressed.

Lincoln Supp. L. R. 3.011

Amended effective 2/1/2024.