As amended through November 29, 2024
Rule 2.501 - DOCUMENTS THAT MUST BE PRESENTED CONVENTIONALLY AND MAY NOT BE ELECTRONICALLY FILEDIn the following subject matter areas, the listed ex parte documents requiring a judge's signature and any document that will be served simultaneously with a document listed in this rule, must be presented conventionally, and may not be electronically filed except as provided in subsection (3).
(1) Family Case Matters. To be presented pursuant to SLR 5.061: (a) Emergency Custody and Parenting Relief based on Immediate Danger(c) Order for Modification or Dismissal of Abuse Protective Order(2) Civil Case Matters. To be presented pursuant to SLR 5.061:(a) Guardian Ad Litem Appointment Order (other than identity case petitions)(b) Preliminary Injunction Show Cause(c) Provisional Process Show Cause(d) Receivership Initiating Document or Show Cause(f) Writ of Mandamus Show Cause(3) Protective Order Initiating Matters. To be presented to the judge assigned by the presiding judge for that day, but may be electronically submitted through the OJD electronic forms system:(a) Family Abuse Prevention Act(b) Elderly Persons and Persons with Disabilities Abuse Prevention Act(c) Sexual Abuse Prevention Act(d) Stalking Protective Order(e) Extreme Risk Protection Order(f) Emergency Protective Order (ORS 133.035)(4) Criminal Matters. Documents to be presented in court: (b) Waiver of 60 Day Rule(e) Waiver of Dismissed Charges(f) Petition for Diversion and Documents to be filed with PetitionAmended effective 2/1/2024.