Clatsop Cnty. Supp. L. R. 8.046

As amended through November 29, 2024
(1) A parent education program is established as authorized by ORS 3.425. Information regarding the parent education program is available on the court's website.
(2) Each person named as a party in a family law case involving minor children shall complete the program unless the court approves a waiver.
(3) Each party shall pay a fee determined by the program provider. The fee may be waived or reduced by the program provider.
(4) The program provider shall issue a certificate of completion when the participant has completed the program. The participant must file the certificate of completion with the court prior to the entry of judgment. A certificate of completion is valid for two (2) years. If family law proceedings are initiated after a certificate has expired, the participant must retake the class.

Clatsop Cnty. Supp. L. R. 8.046

Amended effective 2/1/2024.