Ohio R. Prof'l. Cond. 1.17

As amended through July 1, 2024
Rule 1.17 - Sale of Law Practice
(a) Subject to the provisions of this rule, a lawyer or law firm may sell or purchase a law practice, including the good will of the practice. The law practice shall be sold in its entirety, except where a conflict of interest is present that prevents the transfer of representation of a client or class of clients. This rule shall not permit the sale or purchase of a law practice where the purchasing lawyer is buying the practice for the sole or primary purpose of reselling the practice to another lawyer or law firm.
(b) As used in this rule:
(1) "Purchasing lawyer" means either an individual lawyer or a lawfirm;
(2) "Selling lawyer" means an individual lawyer, a lawfirm, the estate of a deceased lawyer, or the representatives of a disabled or disappeared lawyer.
(c) The selling lawyer and the prospective purchasing lawyer may engage in general discussions regarding the possible sale of a law practice. Before the selling lawyer may provide the prospective purchasing lawyer with information relative to client representation or confidential material contained in client files, the selling lawyer shall require the prospective purchasing lawyer to execute a confidentiality agreement. The confidentiality agreement shall bind the prospective purchasing lawyer to preserve information relating to the representation of the clients of the selling lawyer, consistent with Rule 1.6, as if those clients were clients of the prospective purchasing lawyer.
(d) The selling lawyer and the purchasing lawyer may negotiate the terms of the sale of a law practice, subject to all of the following:
(1) The sale agreement shall include a statement by selling lawyer and purchasing lawyer that the purchasing lawyer is purchasing the law practice in good faith and with the intention of delivering legal services to clients of the selling lawyer and others in need of legal services.
(2) The sale agreement shall provide that the purchasing lawyer will honor any fee agreements between the selling lawyer and the clients of the selling lawyer relative to legal representation that is ongoing at the time of the sale. The purchasing lawyer may negotiate fees with clients of the selling lawyer for legal representation that is commenced after the date of the sale.
(3) The sale agreement may include terms that reasonably limit the ability of the selling lawyer to reenter the practice of law, including, but not limited to, the ability of the selling lawyer to reenter the practice of law for a specific period of time or to practice in a specific geographic area. The sale agreement shall not include terms limiting the ability of the selling lawyer to practice law or reenter the practice of law if the selling lawyer is selling his or her law practice to enter academic, government, or public service or to serve as in-house counsel to a business.
(e) Prior to completing the sale, the selling lawyer and purchasing lawyer shall provide written notice of the sale to the clients of the selling lawyer. For purposes of this rule, clients of the selling lawyer include all current clients of the selling lawyer and any closed files that the selling lawyer and purchasing lawyer agree to make subject of the sale. The written notice shall include all of the following:
(1) The anticipated effective date of the proposed sale;
(2) A statement that the purchasing lawyer will honor all existing fee agreements for legal representation that is ongoing at the time of sale and that fees for legal representation commenced after the date of sale will be negotiated by the purchasing lawyer and client;
(3) The client's right to retain other counsel or take possession of case files;
(4) The fact that the client's consent to the sale will be presumed if the client does not take action or otherwise object within ninety days of the receipt of the notice;
(5) Biographical information relative to the professional qualifications of the purchasing lawyer, including but not limited to applicable information consistent with Rule 7.2, information regarding any disciplinary action taken against the purchasing lawyer, and information regarding the existence, nature, and status of any pending disciplinary complaint certified by a probable cause panel pursuant to Gov. Bar R. V, Section 11.
(f) If the seller is the estate of a deceased lawyer or the representative of a disabled or disappeared lawyer, the purchasing lawyer shall provide the written notice required by division (e) of this rule, and the purchasing lawyer shall obtain written consent from each client to act on the client's behalf. The client's consent shall be presumed if no response is received from the client within ninety days of the date the notice was sent to the client at the client's last known address as shown on the records of the seller or the client's rights would be prejudiced by a failure to act during the ninety day period.
(g) If a client cannot be given the notice required by division (e) of this rule, the representation of that client may be transferred to the purchaser only after the selling lawyer and purchasing lawyer have caused notice of the sale to be made by at least one publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the county in which the sale will occur or in an adjoining county if no newspaper is published in the county in which the sale will occur. Upon completion of the publication, the client's consent to the sale is presumed.
(h) The written notice to clients required by division (e) and (f) of this rule shall be provided by regular mail with a certificate of mailing or other comparable proof of mailing. In lieu of providing notice by mail, either the selling lawyer or purchasing lawyer, or both, may personally deliver the notice to a client. In the case of personal delivery, the lawyer providing the notice shall obtain written acknowledgement of the delivery from the client.
(i) Neither the selling lawyer nor the purchasing lawyer shall attempt to exonerate the lawyer or lawfirm from or limit liability to the former or prospective client for any malpractice or other professional negligence. The provisions of Rule 1.8(h) shall be incorporated in all agreements for the sale or purchase of a law practice. The selling lawyer or the purchasing lawyer, or both, may agree to provide for the indemnification or other contribution arising from any claim or action in malpractice or other professional negligence.


[1] The practice of law is a profession, not merely a business. Clients are not commodities that can be purchased and sold at will. Pursuant to this rule, when a lawyer or an entire firm ceases to practice, and other lawyers or firms take over the representation, the selling lawyer or firm may obtain compensation for the reasonable value of the practice as may withdrawing partners of law firms. See Rules 5.4 and 5.6. A sale of a law practice is prohibited where the purchasing lawyer does not intend to engage in the practice of law but is buying the practice for the purpose of reselling the practice to another lawyer or law firm.
[3] The purchasing and selling lawyer may agree to a reasonable limitation on the selling lawyer's ability to reenter the practice of law following consummation of the sale. These limitations may preclude the selling lawyer from engaging in the practice of law for a specific period of time or in a defined geographical area, or both. However, the sale agreement may not include such limitations if the selling lawyer is selling his practice to enter academic service, assume employment as a lawyer on the staff of a public agency or a legal services entity that provides legal services to the poor, or as in-house counsel to a business.

Sale of Entire Practice

[6] The rule requires that the seller's entire practice, be sold. This requirement protects those clients whose matters are less lucrative and who might find it difficult to secure other counsel if a sale could be limited to substantial fee-generating matters. The purchasers are required to undertake all client matters in the practice, subject to conflict clearance, client consent, and the purchasing lawyer's competence to assume representation in those matters. This requirement is satisfied even if a purchaser is unable to undertake a particular client matter because of a conflict of interest or if the seller, in good faith, makes the entire practice available for sale to the purchasers. The fact that a number of the seller's clients decide not to be represented by the purchasers but take their matters elsewhere, therefore, does not result in a violation. Pursuant to Rule 1.1, the purchasing lawyer may be required to associate with other counsel in order to provide competent representation.

Client Confidences, Consent, and Notice

[7] Negotiations between seller and prospective purchaser prior to disclosure of information relating to a specific representation of an identifiable client no more violate the confidentiality provisions of Rule 1.6 than do preliminary discussions concerning the possible association of another lawyer or mergers between firms, with respect to which client consent is not required. See Rule 1.6(b)(7). Providing the purchaser access to detailed information relating to the representation and to client files requires the purchaser and seller to take steps to ensure confidentiality of information related to the representation. The rule provides that before such information can be disclosed by the seller to the purchaser, the purchaser and seller must enter into a confidentiality agreement that binds the purchaser to preserve information related to the representation in a manner consistent with Rule 1.6. This agreement binds the purchaser as if the seller's clients were clients of the purchaser and regardless of whether the sale is eventually consummated by the parties. After the confidentiality agreement has been signed and before the prospective purchaser reviews client-specific information, a conflict check should be completed to assure that the prospective purchaser does not review client-specific information concerning a client whom the prospective purchaser cannot represent because of a conflict of interest.
[7A] Before a sale is completed, written notice of the proposed sale must be provided to the clients of the selling lawyer whose matters are included within the scope of the proposed sale. The notice must be provided jointly by the selling and purchasing lawyers, except where the seller is the estate or representative of a deceased, disabled, or disappeared lawyer, in which case the notice is provided by the purchaser. At a minimum, the notice must include information about the proposed sale and the purchasing lawyer that will allow each client to make an informed decision regarding consent to the sale. A client may elect to opt out of the sale and seek other representation. However, consent is presumed if the client does not object or take other action within ninety days of receiving the notice of the proposed sale.
[8] A lawyer or law firm ceasing to practice cannot be required to remain in practice because some clients cannot be given actual notice of the proposed purchase. Since these clients cannot themselves consent to the purchase or direct any other disposition of their files, the rule requires the parties to provide notice of the proposed sale via a newspaper publication.
[9] All elements of client autonomy, including the client's absolute right to discharge a lawyer and transfer the representation to another, survive the sale of the practice.

Fee Arrangements Between Client and Purchaser

[10] The sale may not be financed by increases in fees charged the clients of the practice. Existing arrangements between the seller and the client as to fees and the scope of the work must be honored by the purchaser. However, the purchaser may negotiate new fee agreements with clients of the seller for representation that is undertaken after the sale is completed.

Other Applicable Ethical Standards

[11] Lawyers participating in the sale of a law practice are subject to the ethical standards applicable to involving another lawyer in the representation of a client. These include, for example, the seller's obligation to exercise competence in identifying a purchaser qualified to assume the practice and the purchaser's obligation to undertake the representation competently (see Rule 1.1 ); the obligation to avoid disqualifying conflicts, and to secure the client's informed consent for those conflicts that can be agreed to (see Rule 1.7 regarding conflicts and Rule 1.0(f) for the definition of informed consent); the obligation to avoid agreements limiting a lawyer's liability to a client for malpractice (see Rule 1.8(h) ); and the obligation to protect information relating to the representation (see Rules 1.6 and 1.9 ).
[12] If approval of the substitution of the purchasing lawyer for the selling lawyer is required by the rules of any tribunal in which a matter is pending, such approval must be obtained before the matter can be included in the sale (see Rule 1.16 ).

Applicability of the Rule

[13] This rule applies to the sale of a law practice of a deceased, disabled, or disappeared lawyer. Thus, the seller may be represented by a nonlawyer representative not subject to these rules. Since, however, no lawyer may participate in a sale of a law practice that does not conform to the requirements of this rule, the representatives of the seller as well as the purchasing lawyer can be expected to see to it that they are met.
[14] Admission to or retirement from a law partnership or professional association, retirement plans, and similar arrangements, and a sale of tangible assets of a law practice, do not constitute a sale or purchase governed by this rule.
[15] This rule does not apply to the transfers of legal representation between lawyers when such transfers are unrelated to the sale of a practice.
[16] The purchaser can not continue to use the seller's name unless the seller is deceased, disabled, or retired pursuant to Rule VI of the Supreme Court Rules for the Government of the Bar of Ohio.

Comparison to former Ohio Code of Professional Responsibility

Rule 1.17 restates the existing provisions of DR 2-111, substituting "information relating to the representation" in place of "confidences and secrets."

Although there is little textual similarity between Rule 1.17 and the ABA Model Rule, most of the substantive provisions of the Model Rule are incorporated into the rule, with the major exceptions being that Rule 1.17(1) does not permit the sale of only a portion of a law practice, and (2) allows a missing client to be provided notice of the proposed sale by publication. The comments are modified to track the rule and Ohio law.

Comment [1] is modified to clearly indicate that the provisions of the rule are not intended to permit sale to a lawyer who will merely act as a "broker" and resell the practice.

Comment [2] is relocated to Comment [6] where the language of the Model Rule comment is revised to address the unanticipated return to practice of the selling lawyer. The latter modification is deemed unnecessary due to the prohibition in division (d)(3) directing that the sale agreement may not restrict the ability of the selling lawyer to reenter the practice if the sale is the result of the lawyer selling the practice "to enter academic, government, or public service or to serve as in-house counsel to a business" and the commentary contained in Comment [3].

Comments [4] and [5] are deleted, and comments [6], [9], and [15] are modified, to reflect the fact that Rule 1.17 does not permit the sale of a part of a lawyer's practice.

Comments [7] and [7A] are modified to reflect the actual mechanisms contained in the rule respecting the preservation of information related to the representation of clients.

Comment [10] is clarified to indicate that new fee arrangements may be negotiated with clients after the sale of a law practice "for representation that is undertaken after the sale is completed."

Comment [11] is modified to specifically ensure that the parties to the sale of a law practice understand that the sale may not limit the liability of either the buyer or the seller for malpractice.

Comment [16] is added to give notice to prospective purchasers that it is improper to utilize the seller's name in the practice unless the seller is deceased, disabled, or retired pursuant to Gov. Bar R. VI.

Comparison to ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct

Rule 1.17 differs from Model Rule 1.17 as noted above.

Ohio. R. Prof'l. Cond. 1.17