Ohio Gov. Bar. R. 7

As amended through July 25, 2024
Section 7 - Disciplinary Provisions
(A) Each registered Foreign Legal Consultant shall do all of the following:
(1) Be subject to regulation by the Supreme Court, and to reprimand, suspension, or revocation of his or her Certificate of Registration in accordance with the Ohio Rules of Professional Conduct set forth in Gov. Bar R. IV and with the disciplinary procedural rules applicable to members of the Bar of Ohio set forth in Gov. Bar R. V;
(2) Provide the Office of Bar Admissions with evidence of professional liability insurance or other proof of financial responsibility, in such amount as the Supreme Court may prescribe, to ensure the Foreign Legal Consultant's proper professional conduct and responsibility;
(3) Execute and file all of the following with the Office of Bar Admissions, in such form and manner as the Office may prescribe:
(a) An oath attesting that such Foreign Legal Consultant will abide by the rules and regulations applicable to such Foreign Legal Consultant;
(b) A document setting forth the Foreign Legal Consultant's address in the State of Ohio and designating the Director of Bar Admissions of the Supreme Court as agent upon whom process may be served, with like effect as if served personally upon the Foreign Legal Consultant, in any action or proceeding thereafter brought against the Foreign Legal Consultant arising out of or based upon any legal services rendered or offered to be rendered by the Foreign Legal Consultant within or to residents of the State of Ohio;
(c) The Foreign Legal Consultant's commitment to notify the Office of Bar Admissions of any resignation or revocation of the Foreign Legal Consultant's admission to practice in the foreign country of admission, of any censure, suspension, or expulsion in respect to such admission, or of any change of address within the State of Ohio.
(B) Service of process on the Director of Bar Admissions, pursuant to the designation required by division (A)(3)(b) of this section, shall be made by personally delivering to and leaving with the Director of Bar Admissions at his or her office, duplicate copies of such process together with a fee of ten dollars. Service of process shall be complete when the Director of Bar Admissions has been so served. The Director of Bar Admissions shall promptly send one of such copies to the Foreign Legal Consultant to whom the process is directed, by certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed to such Foreign Legal Consultant at the address specified by him or her.
(C) Insofar as applicable and not inconsistent with this rule, Gov. Bar R. IV and V shall apply to registered Foreign Legal Consultants. For the purpose of applying Gov. Bar R. IV and V, the terms "attorney," "attorney and counselor at law," "member of the Bar of Ohio," or other such designation in those rules shall be deemed to include registered Foreign Legal Consultants.

Ohio. Gov. Bar. R. 7