Pursuant to Sup.R. 3 and 4, one judge shall be elected to be both the presiding judge and the administrative judge, hereinafter designated as presiding judge. In addition to the powers and duties set forth in Sup.R. 3 and 4, the presiding judge shall rule upon all requests for extensions of time and other motions and matters authorized to be handled by a single judge. The presiding judge may refer any such motion or matter to a three-judge panel. The presiding judge shall preside over all sessions and meetings of the court en banc and over any three-judge panel of which the presiding judge is a member. In the absence of the presiding judge, the available judge who is senior in service on the court shall perform the duties of the presiding judge. The judge who is senior in service on the court shall preside over any three-judge panel of which the presiding judge is not a member.
Ohio. Loc. App. R. 22