Ohio Jud. Cond. R. 60 app B

As amended through July 25, 2024
Appendix B - Correlation Table


The following is a numerical listing of the former Ohio Code of Judicial Conduct with cross-references to provisions of 2009 Ohio Code of Judicial Conduct that address substantially similar subject-matter. Please consult the code comparisons that follow each rule for a more detailed treatment of corresponding provisions.


CANON 1 A Judge Shall Uphold the Integrity and Independence of the Judiciary Rule 1.2

CANON 2 A Judge Shall Respect and Comply with the Law and Shall Act in a Manner that Promotes Public Confidence in the Integrity and Impartiality of the Judiciary Rules 1.1 and 1.2

Canon 2(A)(1) and (2) Rules 3.1(B) & (C) and 3.2(A)

Canon 2(B)(1)(a) Canon 2(B)(1)(b) Rules 3.7(A) &



Canon 2(B)(2)(a) Rules 3.7(A)(1), (2), (3), & (5)

Canon 2(B)(2)(b) Rule 3.7(A)(6)

Canon 2(B)(2)(c) Rule 3.7(A)(4)

Canon 2(B)(2)(d) Rule 3.7(A)(5)

Canon 2(C)(1) Rule 3.11(C)

Canon 2(C)(2) Rule 3.11(A)

Canon 2(C)(3) Rule 3.11(B)

Canon 2(C)(4) Rules 3.11(C) & (D)

Canon 2(C)(5) Rule 3.13(A)

Canon 2(C)(5)(a) Rules 3.13(A)(7), (10) & (11)(a)

Canon 2(C)(5)(b) Rule 3.13(A)(8)

Canon 2(C)(5)(c) Rule 3.13(A)(3)

Canon 2(C)(5)(d) Rule 3.13(A)(9)

Canon 2(C)(5)(e) Rule 3.13(A)(2)

Canon 2(C)(5)(f) Rule 3.13(A)(4)

Canon 2(C)(5)(g) Rule 3.13(A)(6)

Canon 2(C)(5)(h) Rule 3.13(A)(12)

Canon 2(D) Rule 3.12

Canon 2(D)(1) Rule 3.14(A)

Canon 2(D)(2) Rule 3.14(B)

Canon 2(D)(3) Rules 3.13(C), 3.14(C), and 3.15

CANON 3 A Judge Shall Perform the Duties of Judicial Office Impartially and Diligently

Canon 3(A) Rule 2.1

Canon 3(B)(1) Rule 2.7

Canon 3(B)(2) Rules 2.2 and 2.4(A)

Canon 3(B)(3) Rule 2.8(A)

Canon 3(B)(4) Rule 2.8(B)

Canon 3(B)(5) Rules 2.2 and 2.3(A) & (B)

Canon 3(B)(6) Rule 2.3(C) & (D)

Canon 3(B)(7)(a) Rule 2.9(A)(1)

Canon 3(B)(7)(b) Rule 2.9(A)(2)

Canon 3(B)(7)(c) Rule 2.9(A)(3)

Canon 3(B)(7)(d) Rule 2.9(A)(5)

Canon 3(B)(8) Rule 2.5(A)

Canon 3(B)(9) Rules 2.10(A), (C), & (D) and 4.1(A)(6)

Canon 3(B)(10) Rule 2.8(C)

Canon 3(B)(11) Rule 3.5, Comments [1A], [3], & [4]

Canon 3(C)(1) Rule 2.5(B)

Canon 3(C)(2) Rule 2.12(A)

Canon 3(C)(3) Rule 2.12(B)

Canon 3(C)(4) Rules 2.13(A) & (C)

Canon 3(D)(1) Rule 2.15(A)

Canon 3(D)(2) Rule 2.15(B)

Canon 3(D)(3) cf. Rule 2.16

Canon 3(D)(4) Rule 2.14(B)

Canon 3(E)(1)(a) Rule 2.11(A)(1)

Canon 3(E)(1)(b) Rule 2.11(A)(7)(a)

Canon 3(E)(1)(c) Rule 2.11(A)(3)

Canon 3(E)(1)(d) Rules 2.11(A)(2) &



Canon 3(E)(2) Rule 2.11(B)

Canon 3(F) Rule 2.11(C)

Canon 3(G)

Canon 3(H)

CANON 4 A Judge Shall Avoid Impropriety and the Appearance of Impropriety in All of the Judge's Activities

Canon 4(A) Rules 1.3, 2.4(B) & (C) and 3.3

Canon 4(B) Rule 3.6(A)

Canon 4(C)(1) Rule 3.2(C)

Canon 4(C)(2) Rule 3.4

Canon 4(D)(1) Rule 3.8(A)

Canon 4(D)(2) Rule 3.8(B)

Canon 4(D)(3) Rule 3.8(C)

Canon 4(E) Rule 3.9

Canon 4(F) Rule 3.10

CANON 7 Judges and Judicial Candidates Should Refrain from Political Activity Inappropriate to Judicial Office

Canon 7(A) Rule 4.6

Canon 7(B)(1) Rule 4.2(A)(1)

Canon 7(B)(2)(a) Rule 4.1(A)(1)

Canon 7(B)(2)(b) Rules 4.1(A)(2) & (3)

Canon 7(B)(2)(c) and (d) Rules 2.10(B) and 4.1(A)(6) &



Canon 7(B)(2)(e) Rule 4.1(A)(5)

Canon 7(B)(2)(f) Rule 4.3(F)

Canon 7(B)(2)(g) Rules 4.2(B)(1) & (2) and (C)(1) to (4)

Canon 7(B)(3)(a) and (b) Rules 4.1(B)(1) and 4.2(C)(6)

Canon 7(B)(4) Rule 4.5

Canon 7(B)(5) Rule 4.2(A)(4)

Canon 7(C)(1) Rule 4.4(B)

Canon 7(C)(2) Rule 4.4(A)

Canon 7(C)(2)(a)(i) to (iii) Rule 4.4(C)

Canon 7(C)(2)(b) Rule 4.4(D)

Canon 7(C)(3) Rule 4.4(E)

Canon 7(C)(4)(a) and (b) Rules 4.4(F) & (G)

Canon 7(C)(4)(c) Rule 4.4(H)

Canon 7(C)(4)(d) Rule 4.4(I)

Canon 7(C)(5)(a) Rule 4.4(J)

Canon 7(C)(5)(b) Rule 4.4(K)

Canon 7(C)(5)(c) Rule 4.4(L)

Canon 7(C)(5)(d) Rule 4.4(M)

Canon 7(C)(5)(e) Rule 4.4(N)

Canon 7(C)(6) Rule 4.4(O)

Canon 7(C)(7)(a) Rule 4.2(B)(3)

Canon 7(C)(7)(b) & (c) Rules 4.1(A)(4), (B)(2), & (B)(3)

Canon 7(C)(8) None

Canon 7(D)(1) Rule 4.3(C)

Canon 7(D)(2) Rule 4.3, Comment [2]

Canon 7(D)(3) Rule 4.3(D)

Canon 7(D)(4) Rule 4.3(E)

Canon 7(D)(5) Rule 4.3(G)

Canon 7(D)(6) Rule 4.3(H)

Canon 7(D)(7) Rule 4.3(I)

Canon 7(D)(8) Rule 4.3(J)

Canon 7(D)(9) Rule 4.3(K)

Canon 7(D)(10) Rule 4.3(L)

Canon 7(D)(11) Rule 4.3(M)

Canon 7(E)(1) Rule 4.3(A)

Canon 7(E)(2) Rule 4.3(B)

Canon 7(F) Rules 4.2(A)(2) & (3)

Ohio. Jud. Cond. R. 60 app B