N.C. R. App. P. D

As amended through June 18, 2024
Appendix D - Forms

Captions for all documents filed in the appellate division should be in the format prescribed by Appendix B, addressed to the Court whose review is sought.


(1) To Court of Appeals from Trial Division

Appropriate in all appeals of right from district or superior court except appeals from criminal judgments imposing sentences of death.




(Plaintiff)(Defendant), (Name of Party), hereby gives notice of appeal to the Court of Appeals of North Carolina (from the final judgment)(from the order) entered on (date) in (District)(Superior) Court, __________ County, (describing it).

Respectfully submitted this the __ day of _________, 2___.


Attorney for (Plaintiff)(Defendant)-Appellant

(Address, Telephone Number, State Bar Number, and E-mail Address)

(2) To Supreme Court from a Judgment of the Superior Court Including a Sentence of Death




(Name of Defendant), Defendant, hereby gives notice of appeal to the Supreme Court of North Carolina from the final judgment entered by (name of Judge) in Superior Court, __________ County, on (date), which judgment included a conviction

of murder in the first degree and a sentence of death.

Respectfully submitted this the __ day of _________, 2___.


Attorney for Defendant-Appellant

(Address, Telephone Number, State Bar Number, and E-mail Address)

(3) To Supreme Court from a Judgment of the Court of Appeals

Appropriate in all appeals taken as of right from opinions and judgments of the Court of Appeals to the Supreme Court under N.C.G.S. § 7A-30. The appealing party shall enclose a clear copy of the opinion of the Court of Appeals with the notice. To take account of the possibility that the Supreme Court may determine that the appeal does not lie of right, an alternative petition for discretionary review may be filed with the notice of appeal.




(Plaintiff)(Defendant), (Name of Party), hereby appeals to the Supreme Court of North Carolina from the judgment of the Court of Appeals (describe it), which judgment ....

(Constitutional question-N.C.G.S. § 7A-30(1)). . . directly involves a substantial question arising under the Constitution(s) (of the United States)(and)(or)(of the State of North Carolina) as follows:

(Here describe the specific issues, citing constitutional provisions under which they arise and showing how such issues were timely raised below and are set out in the record of appeal, e.g.:

Issue 1: Said judgment directly involves a substantial question arising under the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution of the United States and under Article 1, Section 20 of the Constitution of the State of North Carolina, in that it deprives rights secured thereunder to the defendant by overruling defendant's challenge to the denial of (his)(her) Motion to Suppress Evidence Obtained by a Search Warrant, thereby depriving defendant of the constitutional right to be secure in his or her person, house, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures and violating constitutional prohibitions against warrants issued without probable cause and warrants not supported by evidence. This constitutional issue was timely raised in the trial tribunal by defendant's Motion to Suppress Evidence Obtained by a Search Warrant made prior to trial of defendant (R pp 7-10). This constitutional issue was determined erroneously by the Court of Appeals.)

In the event the Court finds this constitutional question to be substantial, petitioner intends to present the following issues in its brief for review:

(Here list all issues to be presented in appellant's brief to the Supreme Court, not limited to those which are the basis of the constitutional question claim. An issue may not be briefed if it is not listed in the notice of appeal.)

(Dissent-N.C.G.S. § 7A-30(2)). . . was entered with a dissent by Judge (name), based on the following issue(s):

(Here state the issue or issues that are the basis of the dissenting opinion in the Court of Appeals. Do not state additional issues. Any additional issues desired to be raised in the Supreme Court when the appeal of right is based solely on a dissenting opinion must be presented by a petition for discretionary review as to the additional issues.)

Respectfully submitted this the __ day of _________, 2___.


Attorney for (Plaintiff)(Defendant)-Appellant

(Address, Telephone Number, State Bar Number, and E-mail Address)


To seek review of the opinion and judgment of the Court of Appeals when petitioner contends the case involves issues of public interest or jurisprudential significance. May also be filed as a separate document in conjunction with a notice of appeal to the Supreme Court when the appellant contends that such appeal lies of right due to substantial constitutional questions under N.C.G.S. § 7A-30, but desires to have the Court consider discretionary review should it determine that appeal does not lie of right in the particular case.




(Plaintiff)(Defendant), (Name of Party), respectfully petitions the Supreme Court of North Carolina to certify for discretionary review the judgment of the Court of Appeals (describing it) on the basis that (here set out the grounds from N.C.G.S. § 7A-31 that provide the basis for the petition). In support of this petition, (Plaintiff)(Defendant) shows the following:


(Here state first the procedural history of the case through the trial division and the Court of Appeals. Then set out factual background necessary for understanding the basis of the petition.)

Reasons Why Certification Should Issue

(Here set out factual and legal arguments to justify certification of the case for full review. While some substantive argument will certainly be helpful, the focus of the argument in the petition should show how the opinion of the Court of Appeals conflicts with prior decisions of the Supreme Court or how the case is significant to the jurisprudence of the State or of significant public interest. If the Court is persuaded to take the case, the appellant may deal thoroughly with the substantive issues in the new brief.)

Issues to Be Briefed

In the event the Court allows this petition for discretionary review, petitioner intends to present the following issues in its brief for review:

(Here list all issues to be presented in appellant's brief to the Supreme Court, not limited to those that are the basis of the petition. An issue may not be briefed if it is not listed in the petition.)

Respectfully submitted this the __ day of _________, 2___.


Attorney for (Plaintiff)(Defendant)-Appellant

(Address, Telephone Number, State Bar Number, and E-mail Address)

Attached to the petition shall be a certificate of service upon the opposing parties and a clear copy of the opinion of the Court of Appeals in the case.


To seek review: (1) by the appropriate appellate court of judgments or orders of trial tribunals when the right to prosecute an appeal has been lost or when no right to appeal exists; and (2) by the Supreme Court of decisions and orders of the Court of Appeals when no right to appeal or to petition for discretionary review exists or when such right has been lost by failure to take timely action.




(Plaintiff)(Defendant), (Name of Party), respectfully petitions this Court to issue its writ of certiorari pursuant to Rule 21 of the Rules of Appellate Procedure to review the (judgment)(order)(decree) of the [Honorable (name), Judge Presiding, (Superior)(District) Court, __________ County][North Carolina Court of Appeals], dated (date), (here describe the judgment, order, or decree appealed from), and in support of this petition shows the following:


(Here set out factual background necessary for understanding the basis of the petition: e.g., failure to perfect appeal by reason of circumstances constituting excusable neglect; non-appealability of right of an interlocutory order, etc.) (If circumstances are that transcript could not be procured from court reporter, statement should include estimate of date of availability and supporting affidavit from the court reporter.)

Reasons Why Writ Should Issue

(Here set out factual and legal arguments to justify issuance of writ: e.g., reasons why interlocutory order makes it impracticable for petitioner to proceed further in trial court; meritorious basis of petitioner's proposed issues, etc.)


Attached to this petition for consideration by the Court are certified copies of the (judgment)(order)(decree) sought to be reviewed, and (here list any other certified items from the trial court record and any affidavits attached as pertinent to consideration of the petition).

Wherefore, petitioner respectfully prays that this Court issue its writ of certiorari to the [(Superior)(District) Court, __________ County][North Carolina Court of Appeals] to permit review of the (judgment)(order)(decree) above specified, upon issues stated as follows: (here list the issues, in the manner provided for in the petition for discretionary review); and that the petitioner have such other relief as to the Court may seem proper.

Respectfully submitted this the __ day of _________, 2___.


Attorney for Petitioner

(Address, Telephone Number, State Bar Number, and E-mail Address)

(Verification by petitioner or counsel)

(Certificate of service upon opposing parties)

(Attach a clear copy of the opinion, order, etc. which is the subject of the petition and other attachments as described in the petition.)


A writ of supersedeas operates to stay the execution or enforcement of any judgment, order, or other determination of a trial court or of the Court of Appeals in civil cases under Rule 8 or to stay imprisonment or execution of a sentence of death in criminal cases (other portions of criminal sentences, e.g., fines, are stayed automatically pending an appeal of right).

A motion for temporary stay under Rule 23(e) is appropriate to seek an immediate stay of execution on an ex parte basis pending the Court's decision on the petition for supersedeas or the substantive petition in the case.




(Plaintiff)(Defendant), (Name of Party), respectfully petitions this Court to issue its writ of supersedeas to stay (execution)(enforcement) of the (judgment)(order)(decree) of the [Honorable __________, Judge Presiding, (Superior)(District) Court, __________ County][North Carolina Court of Appeals] dated __________, pending review by this Court of said (judgment)(order)(decree) which (here describe the judgment, order, or decree and its operation if not stayed); and in support of this petition shows the following:


(Here set out factual background necessary for understanding the basis of the petition and justifying its filing under Rule 23: e.g., trial judge has vacated the entry upon finding security deposited under N.C.G.S. § _____ inadequate; trial judge has refused to stay execution upon motion therefor by petitioner; circumstances make it impracticable to apply first to trial judge for stay, etc.; and showing that review of the trial court judgment is being sought by appeal or extraordinary writ.)

Reasons Why Writ Should Issue

(Here set out factual and legal arguments for justice of issuing the writ; e.g., that security deemed inadequate by trial judge is adequate under the circumstances; that irreparable harm will result to petitioner if it is required to obey decree pending its review; that petitioner has meritorious basis for seeking review, etc.)


Attached to this petition for consideration by the court are certified copies of the (judgment)(order)(decree) sought to be stayed and (here list any other certified items from the trial court record and any affidavits deemed necessary to consideration of the petition).

Wherefore, petitioner respectfully prays that this Court issue its writ of supersedeas to the [(Superior)(District) Court, __________ County)][North Carolina Court of Appeals] staying (execution)(enforcement) of its (judgment)(order)(decree) above specified, pending issuance of the mandate to this Court following its review and determination of the (appeal)(discretionary review)(review by extraordinary writ)(now pending)(the petition for which will be timely filed); and that the petitioner have such other relief as to the Court may seem proper.

Respectfully submitted this the __ day of _________, 2___.


Attorney for Petitioner

(Address, Telephone Number, State Bar Number, and E-mail Address)

(Verification by petitioner or counsel)

(Certificate of Service upon opposing party)

Rule 23(e) provides that in conjunction with a petition for supersedeas, either as part of it or separately, the petitioner may move for a temporary stay of execution or enforcement pending the Court's ruling on the petition for supersedeas. The following form is illustrative of such a motion for temporary stay, either included as part of the main petition or filed separately.

Motion for Temporary Stay

(Plaintiff)(Defendant) respectfully applies to the Court for an order temporarily staying (execution)(enforcement) of the (judgment)(order)(decree) that is the subject of (this)(the accompanying) petition for writ of supersedeas, such order to be in effect until determination by this Court whether it shall issue its writ. In support of this Application, movant shows that (here set out the legal and factual arguments for the issuance of such a temporary stay order; e.g., irreparable harm practically threatened if petitioner must obey decree of trial court during interval before decision by Court whether to issue writ of supersedeas).

Motion for Stay of Execution

In death cases, the Supreme Court uses an order for stay of execution of death sentence in lieu of the writ of supersedeas. Counsel should promptly apply for such a stay after the judgment of the superior court imposing the death sentence. The stay of execution order will provide that it remains in effect until dissolved. The following form illustrates the contents needed in such a motion.




Now comes the defendant, (name), who respectfully shows the Court:

1. That on (date of judgment), The Honorable __________, Judge Presiding, Superior Court, __________ County, sentenced the defendant to death, execution being set for (date of execution).

2. That pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 15A-2000(d)(1), there is an automatic appeal of this matter to the Supreme Court of North Carolina, and defendant's notice of appeal was given (describe the circumstances and date of notice).

3. That the record on appeal in this case cannot be served and settled, the matter docketed, the briefs prepared, the arguments heard, and a decision rendered before the date scheduled for execution.

WHEREFORE, the defendant prays the Court to enter an order staying the execution pending judgment and further orders of this Court.

Respectfully submitted this the __ day of _________, 2___.


Attorney for Defendant-Appellant

(Address, Telephone Number, State Bar Number, and E-mail Address)

(Certificate of Service on Attorney General, District Attorney, and Warden of Central Prison)

N.c. R. App. P. D

287 N.C. 671; 306 N.C. 757; 324 N.C. 585; 324 N.C. 613; 345 N.C. 765; 354 N.C. 598; 354 N.C. 609; 361 N.C. 732; 363 N.C. 901; 369 N.C. 763; 371 N.C. 974; 379 N.C. 694.
Amended October 13, 2021, effective 1/1/2022; amended June 18, 2024, effective 6/18/2024.

The former "Appendix of Tables and Forms," 287 N.C. 671, was repealed and replaced with Appendixes A through F on 7 December 1982, 306 N.C. 757.