N.c. Can. Ethics Arbi., II
Excess verbiage has been deleted. "Asked" has been substituted for "requested." "Shall" has been substituted for "should" throughout the Canon; see Comment for Canon I.
Canon II.A's provisions have been stated clearly in the conjunctive ("and"). Canon II.A(2) has been amended to follow Code of Judicial Conduct, Canon 3(C)(2) as to spouses and minor children. Canon II.A(3) has been added for court-annexed arbitration or arbitration administered by a court under, e.g., the Uniform Act. Although Canon VIII.B generally provides that these Canons state principles paramount to institutional (e.g., the Code ethics standards, Canon VIII.B states an exception for Canon II.D's disclosure principles. Canon II.E has been modified to account for situations where a court administers arbitration, e.g., court-annexed arbitration, but also where a court appoints an arbitrator, e.g., pursuant to the Uniform Act, N.C. Gen. Stat. § 1-567.4. Canon II.F has been added; it is taken from N.C. Ct. -Ord. Arb. R. 2(e); however, court approval is required only if a court has appointed an arbitrator in a court-annexed arbitration or pursuant to, e.g., the Uniform Act.
Canon II generally follows Code of Judicial Conduct, Canon 3(C), although Canon II does not specify degrees of kinship as the Code of Judicial Conduct does. See also Academy Code, ¶¶ 2.B, 3.A; IBA Ethics, Arts. 1, 3-4; SPIDR Standards, Responsibilities to the Parties § 4.