As amended through November 1, 2024
Rule 15-501 - ExaminationsA.Necessity. As further specified for each method of licensure, all applicants are required to pass, or demonstrate to the board's satisfaction they have passed, examinations that test an applicant's (1) minimum competence to practice law, and (2) understanding of and familiarity with the rules of professional conduct and legal ethics.B.Location; timing. The board may designate places and times for examinations described in Article 5 of these rules as it determines will be most convenient for all parties concerned. Absent exigent circumstances, an applicant awaiting examination shall be notified of the time and place of the exam at least ten (10) days before the exam.C.Question preparation. The board may use the services of examination writers and examination administrators for preparation of examinations, either by arranging for the drafting services of qualified persons, including law school professors, or by using the services of the NCBE or any other appropriate state or national agency. Except for NCBE materials, the board shall not permit use of any questions prepared by a person who is affiliated with, teaches for, or has any interest in a bar exam review course or who is in any way involved with assisting applicants with their exam preparation.D.ADA accommodations. For examinations administered by the board, an applicant may submit to the board a written request for reasonable testing accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act, utilizing forms, policies, and procedures as the board may promulgate. Requests for testing accommodations must be reasonable, not unduly burdensome, consistent with the nature and purpose of the examination, and necessitated by the applicant's disability. The board may, in whole or in part, grant, modify, or deny a request for accommodations. (1)Timing of request for accommodations. An applicant requesting testing accommodations must submit to the board a request for accommodations using forms prescribed by the board. An applicant's request for accommodations must be (a) in the manner described on the request form, and (b) submitted on or before the last application deadline for the examination for which the request for accommodations is being made.(2)Determination on request for accommodations. The board, or its designee, shall determine whether a request for accommodation is complete, and shall reject an incomplete request for accommodations. The board, or its designee, will evaluate a complete, timely-submitted request for accommodations and shall notify the requesting applicant of its determination no later than twenty (20) days before the date of the examination for which the accommodations are requested.(3)Emergency request for accommodations. An applicant whose injury or disability arose after the deadline may submit an emergency request for accommodations along with a statement and supporting documentation explaining why the request could not have been timely submitted. The board, or its designee, will evaluate a complete emergency request for accommodations as soon as is practicable after its submission, and will notify the requesting applicant as soon as it makes a determination. The board shall deny an emergency request for accommodations which is impractical or unreasonable within the time remaining before the examination begins. While an applicant may seek hearing and subsequently appeal a decision on an emergency request for accommodation, there may not be sufficient time to reasonably complete those processes before the examination.(4)Hearing and appeal of decision on request for accommodations. An applicant aggrieved by a decision on a request for accommodation may seek a hearing and appeal as described in Rule 15-403(H) NMRA and Rule 15-404(C) NMRA.Adopted by Supreme Court Order No. S-1-RCR-2023-00036, effective 12/31/2023.