Dom. Rel. Forms. 4A-510

As amended through August 23, 2024
Rule 4A-510 - Order appointing temporary kinship guardian(s)


COUNTY OF _______________

________________ JUDICIAL DISTRICT

______________________________ , Petitioner(s)

No. __________


____________________________ ,1 (a) Child(ren) (use initials only), and concerning

____________________________ , Respondent(s).


THIS MATTER came before the court on Petitioner(s)' motion to appoint temporary kinship guardian of the minor child(ren). Petitioner(s), _____________________________ (name(s) of Petitioner(s)), appeared pro se.

Respondent 1, __________________ (name of Respondent 1), [] appeared pro se [] did not appear. Respondent 2, __________________ (name of Respondent 2), [] appeared pro se [] did not appear. The court having reviewed the motion, heard testimony, and being sufficiently advised FINDS:

1. The court has jurisdiction under the Kinship Guardianship Act, Sections 40-10B-1 to -15 NMSA 1978.
2. The court has the authority to appoint a temporary kinship guardian under Section 40-10B-7 NMSA 1978.
3. A Petition to Appoint Kinship Guardian(s) has been filed with this court.
4. Respondent 1 [] consents to the appointment of Petitioner(s) as the guardian(s);


[] does not consent to the appointment of Petitioner(s) as the guardian(s) and the minor child(ren) has/have resided with Petitioner(s) for at least ninety ninety (90) days prior to filing the Petition for Kinship Guardianship, and Respondent 1 was not residing in the home and is unable or unwilling to provide appropriate care, maintenance and supervision for the minor child(ren);


[] extraordinary circumstances justify granting the guardianship.2

5. Respondent 2 [] consents to the appointment of Petitioner(s) as the guardian(s);


[] does not consent to the appointment of Petitioner(s) as the guardian(s) and the minor child(ren) has/have resided with Petitioner(s) for at least 90 days prior to filing the Petition for Kinship Guardianship, and Respondent 2 was not residing in the home and is unable or unwilling to provide appropriate care, maintenance and supervision for the minor child(ren);

[] extraordinary circumstances justify granting the guardianship.2

6. It is in the minor child(ren)'s best interests that Petitioner(s) be appointed as the minor child(ren)'s temporary guardian(s).
7. [] A guardian ad litem shall be appointed.
8. Other:







1. Petitioner(s) is/are appointed as the temporary kinship guardian(s) of the minor child(ren).
2. The appointment of temporary kinship guardianship shall remain in effect for one hundred eighty (180) days from the date of filing of this order or until further order of the court, whichever comes first.
3. Under Section 40-10B-13(A) NMSA 1978, Petitioner(s) has/have the legal rights and duties of a parent except the right to consent to the adoption of the minor child(ren).
4. Respondents' parental rights pertaining to the minor child(ren) are temporarily suspended until further order of the court.
5. Interim visitation shall be as follows:

[] Visitation between the legal parents and the minor child(ren), or any other persons, shall be at the discretion of the temporary guardian(s) as provided in Section 40-10B-13(B) NMSA 1978;


[] Visitation shall be as follows:





6. Interim child support shall be as follows:

[] No child support is ordered at this time;


[] Child support is ordered as follows:





7. [] As this is a contested case, a guardian ad litem appointed A separate order will be entered appointing the guardian ad litem.3
8. Other:






9. A hearing on the Petition to Appoint Kinship Guardian is set for:_____________



District Court Judge


1. Insert the initials of each child listed in the Petition to Appoint Kinship Guardian(s).

2. In considering whether there are extraordinary circumstances, the court may consider, for example, whether the child lived with the petitioner(s) for so long that removing the child would cause anguish or harm to the child, and whether there are other reasons why the child should not be with the parent.

3. Use Form 4-402 NMRA to order the appointment of a guardian ad litem.

Dom. Rel. Forms. 4A-510

Provisionally approved, effective 8/15/2003 until8/31/2004; approved, effective 1/20/2005; 4-987 recompiled and amended as 4A-510 by Supreme Court Order No. 16-8300-020, effective for all pleadings and papers filed on or after12/31/2016; as amended by Supreme Court Order No. 22-8300-020, effective for all pleadings and papers filed on or after12/31/2022.

ANNOTATIONS The 2016 amendment, approved by Supreme Court Order No. 16-8300-020, effective December 31, 2016, rewrote the form and Use Note. Recompilations. - Pursuant to Supreme Court Order No. 16-8300-020, former 4-987 NMRA was recompiled and amended as 4A-510 NMRA, effective for all pleadings and papers filed on or after December 31, 2016.