N.M. R. Child. Ct. 10-262
Committee commentary on 2011 rule. - The Committee recognizes an apparent conflict within the statute. While Subsection 32A-2-26(C) NMSA 1978 mandates that all index references to the delinquency matter be deleted, Subsection 32A-2-26(I) NMSA 1978 provides for limited access to the files.
Section 32A-2-26 NMSA 1978 authorizes the Children's Court to enter an order sealing the legal and social files and records of the court as well as the files and records of probation services and any other agency including law enforcement agencies. This rule addresses the procedure for sealing the court files and records. The Children, Youth and Families Department, law enforcement agencies, and other agencies that deal with children in delinquency cases must adopt their own regulations, policies and procedures for complying with sealing orders issued pursuant to Section 32A-2-26 NMSA 1978. The committee strongly encourages them to do so. The procedures to be followed by an executive department or agency are beyond the scope of a children's court rule of procedure.
The revisions to Paragraph E of the rule are based on the 2009 amendment to Subsection G of Section 32A-2-26 NMSA 1978, Sealing of Records, which changed the requirements for automatic sealing of delinquency records. Automatic sealing of records for a child adjudicated delinquent now occurs only after the child reaches the age of eighteen, has been released from the court ordered supervision or custody of the Children, Youth and Families Department, and is no longer subject to any pending delinquency proceeding or any other order not involving legal custody and supervision. The former sealing statute allowed for sealing of records before a child turned eighteen; however, the former statute also required a two-year "waiting period," wherein the child had not received new allegations of delinquency. There is no longer a two-year waiting period for automatic sealing.
Paragraph E requires that in order to seal an individual's case file, the court must have access to the complete court case number. Without the complete case number, the court cannot be sure that it is in fact sealing the correct case file. A complete court case number includes five distinct identifiers. First, every district court case number begins with the letter "D." Second, the letter "D" is followed by the specific court location number. The district court location number is not the same as the judicial district number. For example, although Roswell and Carlsbad district courts are both in the Fifth Judicial District, Roswell's location number is 504 and Carlsbad's location number is 503. Third, a complete case number includes the case type. The case type for delinquency cases is "JR." The fourth identifier is the year. Finally, the year is followed by a series of numbers that are sequentially generated from the Judiciary's case management system when a case file is opened. An example of a complete children's court case number is D-504-JR-2009-273.
Committee commentary on 2007 rule. - This rule is based on the 2003 statutory amendments to Section 32A-2-26 NMSA 1978, Subsections G and H. These subsections provide for automatic sealing of court records for a person who is not the subject of a delinquency petition; for a person who is determined by the court not to be a delinquent offender; or for a person who has been released from legal custody and supervision and for whom no new allegations of delinquency have been received in the past two years. This rule is intended to specify the mechanism for automatic sealing, as the statute does not state how it is to be accomplished, and to provide guidance to the Children, Youth and Families Department (department) and the courts in its implementation. The rule is not intended to govern or comment on sealing by motion under Subsection A of Section 32A-2-26 NMSA 1978.
Note that the rule does not address the first part of Subsection G of Section 32A-2-26 NMSA 1978, which provides that a person who is not the subject of a delinquency petition shall have his or her files automatically sealed. The fact that a delinquency petition was not filed means that the matter was handled informally by probation services. The committee believes this is a matter best left to the department, which administers probation services. The committee strongly encourages the department to develop a mechanism for sealing under these circumstances, as these children's records otherwise will remain unsealed while children for whom a petition has been filed are protected by the rule.
With regard to Paragraph A of the rule, there are a variety of circumstances under which a petition for delinquency is filed but does not result in an adjudication of delinquency. Such circumstances may include, but are not limited to, dismissal by the state, a satisfaction of time waiver, completion of the terms of a consent decree, an acquittal or other form of dismissal, or a ruling on appeal that concludes the case without an adjudication of delinquency. Not all courts enter formal orders of dismissal or make formal determinations that the child is not delinquent; the rule is broadly stated to accommodate different practices around the state. This approach is consistent with Rule 10-145 NMRA, which provides, with limited exceptions, that a dismissal "operates as an adjudication upon the merits."
With regard to Paragraph B of the rule, the committee recommended use of the phrase "court-ordered supervision of the department" instead of the statutory phrase "custody and supervision of the department" to make it clear that a child given probation alone is as entitled to sealing as a child placed in the department's custody. Comments received during the public comment period suggested that this required clarification.
It is the committee's intent that the term "files and records" include all forms of such documents, including but not limited to electronic and paper versions. Finally, the committee encourages all recipients of any sealing order under this rule to ensure that the order is given to the proper person responsible for sealing within the recipient's agency. The rule attempts to delineate the responsible persons to the degree possible, but ultimately implementation of this rule and its underlying statute rests with the recipient individuals and agencies.
Because this rule does not change current law, which has been in effect since July 1, 2003, this rule applies to all cases either pending or filed on or after the effective date of the statute and to those cases that were closed but not yet eligible for sealing before that date. Those persons who were eligible to move for sealing of their records before the amended statute became effective are not covered by this rule, but they may still file a motion to have their records sealed.
ANNOTATIONS The 2012 amendment, approved by Supreme Court Order No. 12-8300-024, effective January 7, 2013, provided for the sealing of records and files pursuant to Section 32A-2-26 NMSA 1978; specified required findings for sealing files and records; restricted remote electronic access to files and records before an adjudicatory hearing is held; required the sealing of files and records when a petition does not result in an adjudication of delinquency; required the sealing of files and records for persons released from supervision or custody and the procedure for sealing the files and records; specified the effect of a sealing order; in the title of the rule, at the beginning of the title, deleted "Automatic sealing" and added "Sealing" and after "Sealing of records", added "under Section 32A-2-26 NMSA 1978"; added Paragraphs A, B, and C; relettered former Paragraph A as Paragraph D; in Paragraph D, added Subparagraph (1); in Subparagraph (2), in the first sentence, after the phrase "present the court with", deleted "an" and added "a proposed"; and added the second sentence; relettered former Paragraph B as Paragraph E; in Paragraph E, deleted the former title "Release from legal custody and supervision" and added the new title; in Subparagraph (1) of Paragraph E, in the first sentence, after "court ordered supervision", deleted "[Children, Youth, and Families Department (CYFD) or] [,and the department shall not receive any new allegations of delinquency regarding the person for two (2) years since the release]" and added "or custody of the Children, Youth and Families Department (the department), is no longer subject to any pending delinquency proceeding or any other order not involving legal custody and supervision and has reached the age of eighteen (18)", after "the department shall", added "seal the person's delinquency files and records in its possession", and in the second sentence, added "The department also shall", after "shall notify the", deleted "court that two (2) years have elapsed since the release and shall present the court with an order sealing the files and records in the case, in a form prescribed by the Supreme Court, which the court shall enter" and added "Administrative Office of the Courts by including a list of the agencies, including law enforcement agencies, contacted and shall provide the complete children's court docket number used for the delinquency proceeding"; in Paragraph E, added Subparagraphs (2), (3), and (4); relettered former Paragraph C as Paragraph F; in Paragraph F, at the end of the title, deleted "to seal", in the first sentence, after "mail copies of the sealing order to", added the remainder of the sentence; deleted former Subparagraph (2), which required that copies of the sealing be given to CYFD and any other authority granting the release; relettered former Subparagraph (3) as Subparagraph (2); in Subparagraph (2), after "files and records", added "related to the delinquency proceeding"; relettered former Subparagraph (4) as Subparagraph (3); and in Subparagraph (3), after "records or files", added "related to the delinquency proceeding"; and added Paragraph G. The 2008 amendment, approved by Supreme Court Order No. 08-8300-042, effective January 15, 2009, changed the reference from Rule 10-103.2(B) to Rule 10-145 NMRA in the committee commentary. Recompilations. - Pursuant to Supreme Court Order No. 08-8300-042, Rule 10-233 NMRA was recompiled as Rule 10-262 NMRA, effective January 15, 2009.