As amended through December 30, 2024
Rule 1 - Scope and Effective Date of Rules(a)Effective D ate and Applicability of Rules. These rules shall govern the electronic filing of all documents in cases commenced on and after the date specified in orders issued by the administrative judge of the circuit court implementing e filing in the circuit court in a particular location and in a particular case type. These rules shall also govern the filing of all documents in cases in the circuit court converted to electronic filing in accordance with paragraph ( As good cause appears and as justice may require, the court may waive the app lication of any rule.(b)Electronic Filing Mandatory. Unless otherwise required or authorized by these rules or an order of the court, all filings in cases commenced on or after these rules become effective in cases in a particular circuit court locatio n in a particular case type shall be filed using the court' s electronic filing system. However, a party may be excused from electronic filing in the circumstances set forth below. (1) The court may fully excuse a party from electronic filing if the court finds that: (A) a party is protected by law from disclosing certain identifying or contact information; or (B) extraordinary circumstances would render electronic filing such a hardship that the party would be denied access to the court. A party seek ing to be fully excused from the mandate of electronic filing shall file a request with the court setting forth the reasons therefor. A party who is fully excused from the mandate of electronic filing shall file documents conventionally and shall deliver and receive copies of filed documents to and from other parties through conventional non electronic means.(2) Individuals over whom guardianship or nonemergency involuntary admission is sought or ordered are presumptively fully excused from electro nic filing and need not file a written request to be excused. However, if a person over whom a guardianship or a nonemergency involuntary admission is sought or ordered registers to use the court's electronic system, parties on the case and the court may rely upon the e service contact information provided and send electronic copies as they would to any other registered user on the case.(3) Any incarcerated party entitled to notice pursuant to statute who notifies the court of his or her in carceration shall be exempt from the mandate of electronic filing until such time as that party is no longer incarcerated.(4) For good cause, the court may permit a limited exception to the mandate of electronic filing by allowing a party to initiate a case conventionally or by allowing a party or other person to file a document in an existing case conventionally.(c)Cases Pending Prior to Effective Date. Unless otherwise notified by Order of the Administrative Judge, cases pending prior to the eff ective date of these rules in a particular court location or prior to the initiation of electronic filing in a court or case type shall not be subject to the requirements of these rules and shall not be accepted for electronic filing. Filings in such non electronic cases shall continue to be made conventionally. However, a party may file a written motion with the court to request to convert a non electronic case to an electronic case. If the court grants the motion, the case will thereafter be governed b y these rules. Following an order for conversion of the non electronic case to an electronic case, it shall be the responsibility of the parties to ensure that filings after the conversion date comply with all provisions of these rules. If the court notif ies the parties in a case which had been pending prior to the effective date of these rules that a case is being converted to an electronic case under these rules and by Order of the Administrative Judge, the parties will be given sufficient time to comply with registration and other requirement s set forth under these rules. Thereafter, these rules will govern all future activity in converted cases.(d)Citation. These rules shall be cited as ''Ct. Supp. R __.''N.H. Pil. R. Cir. Ct. Elect. Fil'g 1
Adopted by Order dated July 13, 2018, eff. as of the date set forth in a subsequent order of this court implementing electronic filing in the superior court; amended May 16, 2023, effective 7/1/2023.