A person to whom this Code becomes applicable should arrange or her affairs as soon as reasonably possible to comply with it or receive a waiver from the Supreme Court. This Code shall apply to all full-or part-time law clerks or interns in all courts. Violations shall be brought before the Committee on Judicial Conduct which shall have jurisdiction over any complaints arising under this Code. A law clerk should initially refer any ethical questions under this Code to the justice to whom the law clerk is regularly assigned. In the event that in a rare instance the law clerk feels dissatisfied with the decision of thethe justice, the law clerk may solicit the opinion of all of the justices on the court which the law clerk is serving. Such recourse to the justices shall be used with circumspection and without the divulging of such procedure to any persons except to the justices on the court which the law clerk duly is serving. Nothing in this Code shall limit any court from having any further and additional requirements for employment as a law clerk so long as they are not less restrictive than this Code. All courts or justices employing a full- or part-time law clerk or intern must file the name and address of such persons with the Clerk of the Supreme Court within two weeks of any such employment.
N.H. R. Sup. Ct. Canon 7