If the defendant files a motion to strike the default prior to the issuance of a writ of possession and notice of judgment, no writ of possession shall issue prior to the Court's ruling upon the motion. If the motion to strike the default is denied, then a notice of judgment shall be issued, and the writ of possession shall not issue until the expiration of the seven day period for filing a Notice of Intent to Appeal set forth in RSA 540:20. If the defendant files a timely Notice of Intent to Appeal, then the writ of possession shall not issue until the expiration of the appeal period set forth in Supreme Court Rule 7, except as otherwise provided in RSA 540:25, I, or following an order from the Supreme Court dismissing the defendant's possessory appeal or deeming the defendant's possessory appeal waived for failure to comply with RSA 540:25, II. If the possessory action was instituted for nonpayment of rent, the Court shall determine and set forth in its order denying the motion to strike the default the amount which must be paid into Court on a weekly basis in the event the defendant appeals. This amount is equal to the actual weekly rent or the periodic rent converted into a weekly sum, adjusted for housing assistance, if applicable.
N.H. R. Cir. Ct. Dist. Div. 5.7