Nev. Sup. Ct. R. 5

As amended through June 26, 2024
Rule 5

At any time, the assigned Judge in the court having physical custody of an exhibit shall retain jurisdiction and may sua sponte, upon an oral or clearly-titled written motion by a party in the presence of or with notice to all of the other parties, or upon a clearly-titled written motion brought by any individual or entity with notice to all of the parties, issue orders pertaining to the handling of the exhibit in accordance with Rule 2(c), the redacting, sealing, or unsealing of the exhibit. The Judge has discretion to issue written findings and a written order, or may issue oral findings and an oral order on the record, after which the order shall be memorialized in writing.

(a) Unless the Judge has issued an order to unseal an exhibit, any exhibit in the possession of the Evidence Custodian which is sealed shall remain sealed, whether the exhibit was sealed before or after the enactment of this rule by either law enforcement, forensic scientists, a forensic laboratory, and/or court order.

Nev. Sup. Ct. R. 5

Added effective 1/26/2011.