As amended through June 26, 2024
(A) A pro tempore part-time judge is a judge who serves or expects to serve sporadically on a part-time basis under a separate appointment for each period of service or for each case heard.
(B) A pro tempore part-time judge is not required to comply:
(1) except while serving as a judge, with:
(a) Rules 2.10(A), 2.10(B), and 2.10(C) (Judicial Statements on Pending and Impending Cases);
(b) Rule 2.14 (Disability and Impairment);
(c) Rule 2.15 (Responding to Judicial and Lawyer Misconduct); and
(d) Rule 3.3 (Testifying as a Character Witness);
(2) except while serving as a judge or when a judicial candidate with Rules 4.1(A)(6), 4.1(A)(7), 4.1(A)(11), 4.1(A)(12), 4.1(A)(13), and 4.1(B) (Political and Campaign Activities of Judges and Judicial Candidates in General); or
(3) at any time with:
(a) Rules 3.1(B) and 3.1(D) (Extrajudicial Activities in General);
(b) Rule 3.2 (Appearances Before Governmental Bodies and Consultation With Government Officials);
(c) Rule 3.4 (Appointments to Governmental Positions);
(d) Rule 3.7(A) (Participation in Educational, Religious, Charitable, Fraternal, or Civic Organizations and Activities);
(e) Rule 3.8 (Appointments to Fiduciary Positions);
(f) Rule 3.9 (Service as Arbitrator or Mediator);
(g) Rule 3.10 (Practice of Law);
(h) Rules 3.11(B), 3.11(C)(2), and 3.11(C)(3) (Financial, Business, or Remunerative Activities);
(i) Rule 3.13 (Acceptance and Reporting of Gifts, Loans, Bequests, Benefits, or Other Things of Value);
(j) Rule 3.14(C) (Reimbursement of Expenses and Waivers of Fees or Charges);
(k) Rule 3.15 (Reporting Requirements);
(l) Rules 4.1(A)(1) to (4) (Political and Campaign Activities of Judges and Judicial Candidates in General); and
(m) Rule 4.5(A) (Activities of Judges Who Become Candidates for Nonjudicial Office).
(C) A person who has been a pro tempore part-time judge shall not act as a lawyer in a proceeding in which the judge has served as ajudge or in any other proceeding related thereto, except as otherwise permitted by Rule 1.2(a) of the Nevada Rules of Professional Conduct.
Amended effective 1/19/2010.