Nev. Sup. Ct. R. 3.15

As amended through June 26, 2024
Rule 3.15 - Reporting Requirements
(A) A judge shall publicly report the amount orvalue of:
(1) compensation received for extrajudicial activities as permitted by Rule 3.12;
(2) gifts and other things of value as permitted by Rule 3.13(C), unless the value of such items, alone or in the aggregate with other items received fromthe same source in the same calendar year, does not exceed $200; and
(3) rermbursement of expenses and waiver of fees or charges permitted by Rule 3.14(A), unless the amount of rermbursement or waiver, alone or in the aggregate with other reimbursements or waivers received fromthe same source in the same calendaryear, does not exceed $200.
(B) When public reporting is required by paragraph (A), a judge shall report the date, place, and nature of the activity for which the judge received any compensation; the description of any gift, loan, bequest, benefit, or otherthing of value accepted; and the source of reimbursement of expenses or waiver or partial waiver of fees orcharges.
(C) The public report required by paragraph (A) shall be made at least annually on or before March 31 for the preceding year.
(D) Reports made in compliance with this Rule shall be filed as public documents.

Nev. Sup. Ct. R. 3.15

Added effective 1/19/2010; amended effective 5/23/2021.