Nev. R. Prac. Eight Jud. Dist. Ct. 1.30

As amended through June 26, 2024
Rule 1.30 - Chief judge
(a) The district judges must biennially select one of their number to serve as chief judge for a term of 2 years to begin July 1. However, by election, the term may be extended 2 years.
(b) The chief judge must:
(1) Be responsible for the chief judge's own motion calendar.
(2) Hear all extraditions and any other miscellaneous petitions regarding criminal matters.
(3) Share and direct responsibility for hearing both civil and/or criminal cases on an overflow basis, as necessary.
(4) Share and direct responsibility for hearing probate cases and oversee the functions of the probate commissioner and their staff.
(5) Refer all involuntary mental commitment proceedings to hearing masters, direct the appointment of said masters with the approval of the district judges, reduce to written order the findings of such masters, hear all objections to the master's findings, and direct the enforcement thereof as may be appropriate.
(6) Shall appoint, as necessary for the orderly conduct of court business, presiding judges over any of the various case types within the General Jurisdiction and Family Divisions of the court as may be warranted to assist the chief judge in their administrative duties over the court. Assignment should be made by administrative order describing the case type(s) presided over and the general duties of each respective presiding judge. Presiding judges serve at the pleasure of the chief judge.
(7) Make regular and special assignments of all judges and hear or reassign emergency matters when a judge is absent or otherwise unavailable.
(8) Instruct any grand jury impaneled; receive any reports, indictments, or presentments made by it; and handle any other matters pertaining to it.
(9) Supervise the court executive officer in the management of the court and the performance of the court executive officer's duties. Supervise the administrative business of the court and have general supervision of the attachés of the court. The various commissioners, referees, hearing officers, and court hearing masters shall report to and be directed by their supervising presiding judge pursuant to local court rule or as designated by the chief judge; however, the chief judge will maintain general supervision over all such officers.
(10) Coordinate with the court clerk and the Office of the Clerk of the Court to assure quality and continuity of services necessary to the operation of the court.
(11) Attend meetings of the divisions' judges.
(12) Approve requests by civil litigants to proceed in forma pauperis and waiver of fees.
(13) Exercise general supervision over all administrative court personnel who are not permanently assigned to a particular district judge.
(14) Determine the need for and approve:
(A) the allocation of space and furnishings in the court building;
(B) the construction of new court buildings, courtrooms, and related physical facilities;
(C) the modification of existing court buildings, courtrooms, and related physical facilities; and
(D) the temporary assignment or reassignment of courtrooms between departments to accommodate the needs of litigants and efficient and effective case management.
(15) Supervise the court's calendar and apportion the business of the court among the several departments of the court as equally as possible.
(16) Reassign cases from one department to another department as convenience or necessity requires. The chief judge shall have authority to assign overflow cases.
(17) Appoint standing and special committees of judges as may be advisable to assist in the proper performance of the duties and functions of the court.
(18) Provide for liaison between the court and other governmental and civic agencies and, when appropriate, meet with or designate a judge or judges to meet with any committee of the bench, bar, news media, and community to review problems and to promote understanding of the administration of justice.
(19) Ensure that court duties are timely and orderly performed.
(A) The chief judge shall set and preside over frequent and regular meetings of the judges or an elected representative committee of the judges not less than once a quarter and additional special meetings as may be required by the business of the court, distributing to all judges a prepared agenda before the meeting and minutes thereafter. If a quorum of judges is not present at the quarterly judges' meeting, the chief judge shall have the authority to mandate attendance at the next quarterly judges' meeting.
(B) The chief judge must designate another judge to perform the chief judge's duties (serve as acting chief judge) in their absence (or unavailability as chief judge). The acting chief judge shall serve at the pleasure of the chief judge.
(C) The chief judge may be removed from office by a two-thirds vote of the judges present at a duly noticed meeting. Any judge may appeal any order of the chief judge to the full panel of the district judges in the district. Any order of the chief judge can only be reversed by a two-thirds vote of the judges attending a regularly scheduled meeting.
(D) The duties prescribed in these rules shall be done in accordance with applicable Nevada Revised Statutes, Supreme Court Rules, and established court policies. To facilitate the business of the court, the chief judge may delegate the duties prescribed in these rules to other judges.
(20) Supervise all masters.
(A) The chief judge shall determine, within budgetary constraints, the number of masters and the compensation to be paid to those masters based on a salary schedule approved by a majority of the judges of the Eighth Judicial District Court.
(B) The chief judge shall be responsible for disciplinary decisions involving the masters.
(C) The chief judge shall be responsible for the assignment and reassignment of masters to the various case types as necessary.
(21) An executive committee composed of the chief judge, all presiding judges, and any others appointed to the committee by the chief judge shall meet once a month to address any items of administration or other business and shall provide a report and minutes of those meetings at the quarterly meeting of the district judges.

Nev. R. Prac. Eight Jud. Dist. Ct. 1.30

As amended effective 10/13/2005; amended effective 3/1/2016; amended effective 2/3/2018; amended April 26, 2024, effective 6/25/2024.