Neb. Sup. Ct. R. 2-208

As amended through September 11, 2024
Section 2-208 - Electronic notice; court documents served on registered attorneys, pro hac vice attorneys, and non-attorney users
(A) Clerks of court shall transmit orders, notices, and other court entries via electronic notice to all attorneys, attorneys admitted pro hac vice, and non-attorney users who have provided email addresses pursuant to this subsection to the clerk of the court unless other law, statute, or court rule requires transmittal by another method.
(B) Clerks of court shall comply with the system-generated certificate of service attached to the court-issued document. Where a document is required by statute or rule to be served by an attorney or party on another party, court staff shall not serve any such document.
(C) Non-attorney user notice from a court.
(1) Non-attorney users who are not registered with the court-authorized service provider and have email capability shall register with a court to receive notice from the court in any case involving that non-attorney user. Such registration shall be completed prior to the filing of any document by the user or within 10 days after receipt of a notice from the court providing the email registration form, whichever occurs first. The user shall submit the form to the court where the case is filed or the appellate court where the appeal is pending
(2) If a non-attorney user claims to lack email capability, such user shall demonstrate to the court why it is unreasonable to expect the user to obtain such capability.
(D) Pro Hac Vice notice from a court. Attorneys admitted pro hac vice in a particular case pursuant to Neb. Ct. R. § 3-122 shall receive notice from the clerk of the court in which he or she is appearing.
(E) Email addresses shall be in compliance with § 2-203(D). Any change to an email address by a non-attorney user must be made in writing to the clerk of the court where the case is filed or the appeal is pending. An attorney shall update any change in email address through his or her account with the court-authorized service provider.

Neb. Sup. Ct. R. 2-208

§ 2-208 (B-E) amended October 19, 2016; amended June 9, 2021, effective 1/1/2022.