Mo. Sup. Ct. Op. R 4.08.1

As amended through December 23, 2024
Rule 4.08.1 - Courts Using an Automated Case Management System Approved by the State Judicial Records Committee
1) Courts shall maintain the following information to generate a court docket sheet as needed:
a) County where the action was filed, or if the court sits in more than one location in the same county, the county and city where filed;
b) Case type;
c) Case number;
d) Names of the respective parties;
e) Names of the respective attorneys of record;
f) Date and type of each document filed; and
g) Judicial action taken in the case, including judgments and orders.
2) Clerks shall be responsible only for docket entries into the automated system. They shall not be responsible for entries on a manual docket sheet.

Mo. Sup. Ct. Op. R 4.08.1

Approved for publication Aug. 21, 1995. Amended December 23, 2003, effective 1/1/2004.