Mo. Sup. Ct. Op. R 6.05

As amended through December 23, 2024
Rule 6.05 - Adoption and Filing of Local Court Rules

All local circuit court rules shall be approved both by the presiding circuit judge and a majority of the circuit court, en banc, consisting of all circuit and associate circuit judges of the circuit. Except as provided in Administrative Rule No. 14, no local circuit court rule shall require a circuit judge to hear cases governed by Supreme Court Rule 37 or chapters 479, 482, 517, 534, 535 or 543 RSMo, other than upon trial de novo, unless the circuit judge consents to hear such cases. The clerk of the Supreme Court shall not file any local circuit court rule failing to comply with the provisions of this Administrative Rule No. 6.05.

Mo. Sup. Ct. Op. R 6.05

Adopted, July 17, 1980, effective 1/2/1981. Amended May 28, 1996, effective 7/1/1996.