Miss. Ch. C. R. 6.04

As amended through March 21, 2024
Rule 6.04 - [Effective 4/18/2024] STATEMENT APPENDED TO ANNUAL ACCOUNTS
(A) Every fiduciary shall attach to each annual account a list or statement of all assets, real and personal, of the estate.
(B) If the annual account consists of money, bonds, or other securities negotiable by delivery, then the statement shall also show the name of the bank where the same is deposited or kept.
(C) Verification of account balances in the form of statements issued by the depository showing the balance at the beginning of the accounting period, and the most recent statement at the end of the accounting period shall be attached.
(D) If the assets consist of loans made by the fiduciary or the predecessor in the fiduciary office, then the statement shall show to whom and when the loan was made, the amount remaining unpaid, how secured, whether all taxes have been paid on the property mortgaged or pledged as security for the loan, and whether or not the security is sufficient.

Miss. Ch. C. R. 6.04

Amended effective 4/18/2024.