Rule 7.01 - Notice of Omnibus Issues(a) In any case where a right to a jury trial exists, the prosecutor must notify the defendant or defense counsel of:(1) any evidence against the defendant obtained as a result of a search, search and seizure, wiretapping, or any form of electronic or mechanical eavesdropping;(2) any confessions, admissions, or statements in the nature of confessions made by the defendant;(3) any evidence against the defendant discovered as a result of confessions, admissions, or statements in the nature of confessions made by the defendant; or(4) any evidence of lineups, show-ups, or other procedures used to identify the defendant or any other person.(b) In felony and gross misdemeanor cases, notice must be given in writing on or before the date set for the defendant's initial appearance in the district court under Rule 5.05.(c) In misdemeanor cases, notice must be given either in writing or orally on the record in court on or before the date set for the defendant's pretrial conference, if one is scheduled, or 7 days before trial if no pretrial conference is held.(d) Written notice may be served: (1) personally on the defendant or defense counsel;(2) by ordinary mail sent to the defendant's last known mailing address or left at this address with a person of suitable age and discretion residing there;(3) by ordinary mail sent to defense counsel's business address or left at this address with a person of suitable age and discretion working there; or(4) by electronic means as authorized or required by Rule 14 of the General Rules of Practice for the District Courts.Amended effective 7/1/2015.