Minn. Gen. R. Prac. 2.02

As amended through July 3, 2024
Rule 2.02 - Role of Judges
(a) Dignity. The judge shall be dignified, courteous, respectful and considerate of the lawyers, the jury and witnesses. The judge shall wear a robe at all trials and courtroom appearances. The judge shall at all times treat all lawyers, jury members, and witnesses fairly and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, status with regard to public assistance, disability, or age.
(b) Punctuality. The judge shall be punctual in convening court, and prompt in the performance of judicial duties, recognizing that the time of litigants, jurors and attorneys is of value and that habitual lack of punctuality on part of a judge justifies dissatisfaction with the administration of the business of the court.
(c) Impartiality. During the presentation of the case, the judge shall maintain absolute impartiality, and shall neither by word or sign indicate favor to any party to the litigation. The judge shall be impersonal in addressing the lawyers, litigants and other officers of the court.
(d) Intervention. The judge should generally refrain from intervening in the examination of witnesses or argument of counsel; however, the court shall intervene upon its own initiative to prevent a miscarriage of justice or obvious error of law.
(e) Decorum in Court. The judge shall be responsible for order and decorum in the court whether in person or using remote technology and shall see to it at all times that parties and witnesses in the case are treated with proper courtesy and respect.
(f) Accurate Record. The judge shall be in complete charge of the trial at all times and shall see to it that everything is done to obtain a clear and accurate record of the trial. It is a duty to see that the witnesses testify clearly so that the reporter may obtain a correct record of all proceedings in court.
(g) Comment Upon Verdict. The judge should not comment favorably or adversely upon the verdict of a jury when it may indirectly influence the action of the jury in causes remaining to be tried.

Minn. Gen. R. Prac. 2.02

Amended effective 7/1/2015; amended effective 11/22/2023.

Advisory Committee Comments-2015 Amendments

Rule 2.02(a) is amended to refer to "sexual orientation" rather than "sexual preference." This change is consistent with terms used in legislative definitions of prohibited discriminatory conduct. See, e.g. Minn. Stat. §§ 363A.02 (Minnesota Human Rights Act); § 82B.195, subd. 3 (vii) (real estate appraisers)