Minn. Gen. R. Prac. 11.06

As amended through July 3, 2024
Rule 11.06 - Procedure for Requesting Access to Confidential Financial Source Documents
(a) Motion. Any person may file a motion, supported by affidavit showing good cause, for access to Confidential Financial Source Documents or portions of the documents. Written notice of the motion to all parties is required.
(b) Waiver of Notice. If the person seeking access cannot locate a party to provide the notice required under this rule, after making a good faith reasonable effort to provide such notice as required by applicable court rules, an affidavit may be filed with the court setting forth the efforts to locate the party and requesting waiver of the notice provisions of this rule. The court may waive the notice requirement of this rule if the court finds that further good faith efforts to locate the party are unlikely to be successful.
(c) Balancing Test. The court shall allow access to Confidential Financial Source Documents, or relevant portions of the documents, if the court finds that the public interest in granting access or the personal interest of the person seeking access outweighs the privacy interests of the parties or dependent children. In granting access the court may impose conditions necessary to balance the interests consistent with this rule.

Minn. Gen. R. Prac. 11.06

Adopted effective 1/1/2021.

Advisory Committee Comment-2005 Adoption

Rule 11 is a new rule, but is derived in part from former Rule 313. it is also based on Wash. GR 22(2003). Under this rule, applicable in all court proceedings, parties are now responsible for protecting the privacy of restricted identifiers (social security numbers or employer identification numbers and financial account numbers) and financial source documents by submitting them with the proper forms. Failure to comply would result in the public having access to the restricted identifiers and financial source documents from the case file unless the party files a motion to seal them or the court acts on its own initiative under Rule 11.03. The Confidential information Form from Rule 313 is retained, modified, and renumbered, and a new Sealed Financial Source Documents cover sheet has been added. The court retains authority to impose sanctions against parties who violate the rule in regard to another individual's restricted identifiers or financial source documents.

New in 2005 is the procedure for obtaining access to restricted identifiers and sealed financial source documents. This process requires the court to balance the competing interest involved. See, e.g., Minneapolis Star and Tribune Co. v. Schumacher, 392 N.W.2d 197 (Minn. 1986) (when party seeks to restrict access to settlement documents and transcripts of settlement hearings made part of civil court file by statute, court must balance interests favoring access, along with presumption in favor of access, against those asserted for restricting access).

Public Access Rules Advisory Committee Comment-2007Amendment

The 2007 amendment to Rule 11.01(a) expands the rule to protect the restricted identifiers of all persons, not just a party and a party's child. Records submitted to the court may include restricted identifiers of persons other than a party or the party's child, such as clients or other fiduciaries.

The 2007 amendment to Rule 11.03 recognizes that if a sealed financial source document is formally offered and admitted into evidence in a testimonial hearing or trial the document will be accessible to the public to the extent that it has been admitted. This is the result under Wash. GR 22(2006) upon which this rule is based. In such situations, it is strongly recommended that restricted identifiers be redactedfrom the document before its admission into evidence.

Advisory Committee Comment-2009 Amendment

Rule 11 is amended to remove Forms 11.1 and 11.2 from the rules and to correct the reference to the forms in the rule. This amendment will allow for the maintenance and publication of the form by the state court administrator. The form, together with other court forms, can be found at http://www.mncourts.gov/.

Forms 11.1 and 11.2 should be deletedfrom the rules and maintained in the future on the court's website.

Advisory Committee Comment-2012 Amendment

Rule 11.06 is a new rule intended to define the procedural prerequisites for filing of documents under seal. This rule is not intended to expand or limit the confidentiality concerns that might justify special treatment of any document. The rule is intended to make it clear that filing parties do not have a unilateral right to designate any filing as confidential, and that permission from the court is required. This permission may flow from a statute or rule explicitly requiring that a particular document or portion of a document be filed confidentially or from a court order that documents be filed under seal. Rule 112 of the Minnesota Rules of Civil Appellate Procedure contains useful guidance on how confidential information can be handled. Where documents contain both confidential and non-confidential information, it may be appropriate to file redacted "public" versions of documents filed under seal.

Advisory Committee Comment-2015 Amendments

The amendments to Rule 11 are intended to advance the important interests in preventing the filing of confidential and sensitive information in publicly accessible court files. The amendment to Rule 11.02(a) reminds filers that the best way to prevent public access to sensitive personal information is not to file it with the court unless needed. If a social security number, financial institution record, home address, and any other information defined to be a restricted identifier under the rule is not required for the adjudication of a matter before the court, simply omitting it from the filing prevents any further risk of disclosure. If the information is necessary, then using the other procedures of Rule 11.02 is necessary. The consequences of failing to comply with the rule include sanctions against the filer, and if failure to follow the rule causes injury to any person, an action for damages may lie.

There are very few statutes that require the filing of restricted identifiers. They may be required in certain family child support cases, see Minn. Stat. §§ 256.87, subd. 1a; 257.66, subd. 3; 518.10; 518A.56; and 42 U.S.C. § 666(a)(13), which currently require the court to identify the parties by social security number. Minn. Stat. § 548.101 requires the disclosure of the last four digits of a debtor's social security number, if known, in cases involving assigned consumer debt. Social security numbers were required for filings to commence informal probate or appointment proceedings until 2006. See 2006 Minn. Laws, ch. 221, § 20, amending Minn. Stat. § 524.3-301.

Rule 11.02(c) is new and provides that filing constitutes certification that the document does not contain unauthorized restricted identifiers. For documents filed electronically, this certification may additionally be made explicitly by checking the appropriate box on a screen that will be incorporated into the e-filing process. See also Rule 14.06. As is true for other rules, failure to follow the rule, or the making of a false certification, may warrant the imposition of sanctions as may be authorized by other rules or under the court's inherent power.

Rule 11.06 is intended to provide important guidance on when documents may be filed as confidential or under seal. The rule permits these filings in only three circumstances. As part of the implementation of this rule, filers should expect that the EFiling System of the court will ask the filer to specify which basis for filing as confidential or under seal is being relied upon for that filing. If an order in the case, statute, or court rule does not expressly permit or require filing of the document under seal or as confidential, a motion must be brought to request approval of filing that document under seal or as confidential not later than the time of filing.

Rule 11.06 specifies the procedure used by a filer for filing under seal or as confidential. Additionally, the court can at any time treat a document containing restricted identifiers as confidential until the parties or court can ensure the document properly conforms to the requirements of Rule 11.
