Mich. Ct. R. 7.301

As amended through June 5, 2024
Rule 7.301 - Organization and Operation of Supreme Court
(A) Chief Justice. At the first meeting of the Supreme Court in each odd-numbered year, the justices shall select by majority vote one among them to serve as Chief Justice.
(B) Term and Sessions. The annual term of the Court begins on August 1 and ends on July 31. Except as provided in MCR 7.313(E), the end of a term has no effect on pending cases. Oral arguments are generally scheduled at sessions in October, November, December, January, March, April, and May. The Court will only schedule cases for argument in September, February, June, July, or August pursuant to an order on the Court's own initiative or upon a showing of special cause by a moving party.
(C) Supreme Court Clerk
(1) Appointment; General Provisions. The Supreme Court will appoint a clerk who shall keep the clerk's office in Lansing under the direction of the Court. Where the term "clerk" appears in this subchapter without modification, it means the Supreme Court clerk. The clerk may not practice law other than as clerk while serving as clerk.
(2) Duties. The clerk shall perform the following duties:
(a) Furnish bond before taking office. The bond must be in favor of the people of the state and in the penal sum of $10,000, approved by the Chief Justice and filed with the Secretary of State, and conditioned on the faithful performance of the clerk's official duties. The fee for the bond is a Court expense.
(b) Collect the fees provided for by statute or court rule.
(c) Deposit monthly with the State Treasurer the fees collected, securing and filing a receipt for them.
(d) Provide for the recording of Supreme Court proceedings as the Court directs.
(e) Care for and maintain custody of all records, seals, books, and papers pertaining to the clerk's office and filed or deposited there.
(f) Return the original record as provided in MCR 7.310(B) after an appeal has been decided by the Court.
(D) Deputy Supreme Court Clerks. The Supreme Court may appoint deputy Supreme Court clerks. A deputy clerk shall carry out the duties assigned by the clerk and perform the duties of the clerk if the clerk is absent or unable to act.
(E) Reporter of Decisions. The Supreme Court will appoint a reporter of decisions. The reporter shall:
(1) prepare the decisions, including concurring and dissenting opinions, of the Supreme Court for publication;
(2) write a brief statement of the facts of each case and headnotes containing the points made;
(3) ensure that opinions are published in advance sheets as soon as practicable; and
(4) ensure that bound volumes are printed as soon as practicable after the last opinion included in a volume is issued.

The reasons for denying leave to appeal, as required by Const 1963, art 6, §6 and filed in the clerk's office, are not to be published and are not to be regarded as precedent.

(F) Supreme Court Crier. The Supreme Court will appoint a court crier. The court crier shall
(1) have charge of the Supreme Court courtroom and the offices and other rooms assigned to the Supreme Court justices; and
(2) have the power to serve an order, process, or writ issued by the Supreme Court; collect the fee for that service allowed by law to sheriffs; and deposit monthly with the State Treasurer all the fees collected, securing a receipt for them.

Mich. Ct. R. 7.301

Adopted May 27, 2015, effective 9/1/2015; amended September 27, 2017, effective 1/1/2018.