Mich. Ct. R. 5.117

As amended through June 5, 2024
Rule 5.117 - Appearance by Attorneys
(A) Representation of Fiduciary. An attorney filing an appearance on behalf of a fiduciary shall represent the fiduciary.
(B) Appearance.
(1) In General. An attorney may generally appear by an act indicating that the attorney represents an interested person in the proceeding. A limited appearance may be made by an attorney for an interested person in a civil action or proceeding as provided in MCR 2.117(B)(2)(c), except that any reference to parties of record in MCR 2.117(B)(2)(c) shall instead refer to interested persons. An appearance by an attorney for an interested person is deemed an appearance by the interested person. Unless a particular rule indicates otherwise, any act required to be performed by an interested person may be performed by the attorney representing the interested person.
(2) Notice of Appearance. If an appearance is made in a manner not involving the filing of a document served with the court or if the appearance is made by filing a document which is not served on the interested persons, the attorney must promptly file a written appearance and serve it on the interested persons whose addresses are known or who are authorized users of the electronic filing system under MCR 1.109(G)(6)(a) and on the fiduciary.
(3) Appearance by Law Firm.
(a) A pleading, appearance, motion, or other document filed by a law firm on behalf of a client is deemed the appearance of the individual attorney first filing a document in the action. All notices required by these rules may be served on that individual. That attorney's appearance continues until an order of substitution or withdrawal is entered. This subrule is not intended to prohibit other attorneys in the law firm from appearing in the action on behalf of the client.
(b) The appearance of an attorney is deemed to be the appearance of every member of the law firm. Any attorney in the firm may be required by the court to conduct a court-ordered conference or trial if it is within the scope of the appearance.
(C) Duration of Appearance by Attorney.
(1) In General. Unless otherwise stated in the appearance or ordered by the court, an attorney's appearance applies only in the court in which it is made or to which the action is transferred and only for the proceeding in which it is filed.
(2) Appearance on Behalf of Fiduciary. An appearance on behalf of a fiduciary applies until the proceedings are completed, the client is discharged, or an order terminating the appearance is entered.
(3) Termination of Appearance on Behalf of a Personal Representative. In unsupervised administration, the probate register may enter an order terminating an appearance on behalf of a personal representative if the personal representative consents in writing to the termination.
(4) Other Appearance. An appearance on behalf of a client other than a fiduciary applies until a final order is entered disposing of all claims by or against the client, or an order terminating the appearance is entered.
(5) Limited Scope Appearances. Notwithstanding other provisions in this section, limited appearances under MCR 2.117(B)(2)(c) may be terminated in accordance with MCR 2.117(C)(3), except that any reference to parties of record in MCR 2.117(B)(2)(c) shall instead refer to interested persons.
(6) Substitution of Attorneys. In the case of a substitution of attorneys, the court in a supervised administration or the probate register in an unsupervised administration may enter an order permitting the substitution without prior notice to the interested persons or fiduciary. If the order is entered, the substituted attorney must give notice of the substitution to all interested persons and the fiduciary.
(D) Right to Determination of Compensation. An attorney whose services are terminated retains the right to have compensation determined before the proceeding is closed.

Mich. Ct. R. 5.117

Amended March 20, 2019, effective 5/1/2019; amended November 20, 2019, effective 1/1/2020.