Mich. Admin. Ord. Administrative Order No. 2014-19

As amended through November 20, 2024
Reporting Requirements of the 36th District Court

On order of the Court, effective immediately and continuing through December 31, 2017, the 36th District Court shall submit quarterly benchmark reports (by the 20th of October, January, April, and July) for review and evaluation by the State Court Administrative Office. The following benchmarks for reporting shall begin on October 20, 2014:


I. Budget to Actual Expenditures Report

II. Budget Proposal for Next Fiscal Year (for January 20th only)

III. Revenues Collected Report

IV. Bond Account Reconciliation

V. Bank Account Reconciliation

VI. Past Debt (Outstanding Receivables) Plan (specify actions that have been taken to identify and reduce both collectible and uncollectible receivables, including collection and enforcement actions and results of these actions)

VII. Organizational Chart (including salaries)


I. Case Age Report by Judge - Felonies to be reported by October 20, 2014; State Misdemeanors and Traffic to be reported no later than January 20, 2015

II.Time between Filing and Entry of Case in Case Management System (by division)

III. Juror Utilization Report (number of panels/cases called compared to number of jury trials conducted)


I. Litigation Update

II. Project List (noting specific timelines)


I. Judges' Attendance Records

II. Judges' Arrival Time (to be conducted by monitors secured by the State Court Administrator or designee)

Mich. Admin. Ord. Administrative Order No. 2014-19