Mich. Admin. Ord. Administrative Order No. 2014-24

As amended through November 20, 2024
Extension of Expiration Date for E-filing Pilot Project in Oakland Circuit Court, Family Division

By revision of Administrative Order No. 2010-3, dated January 23, 2013, this Court extended the e-filing project of the Family Division of the Oakland Circuit Court through December 31, 2014. Since that time, the validity and scalability of e-filing has been successfully demonstrated in Oakland Circuit Court's Family Division, and in six other courts participating in e-filing pilot projects. Recognizing that the "pilot" aspect of the projects would be ending before a statewide system is available, the State Court Administrator communicated to all pilot courts that their e-filing projects would end, at the latest, at the expiration of their administrative orders that authorized or extended their projects. Pilot projects would be replaced, as the State Court Administrator noted, with an accessible and affordable statewide system for all Michigan residents, litigants, and courts. To that end, the Court anticipates working with the Michigan Legislature and the Governor in 2015 for authorization and funding of a statewide system.

Given the looming expiration date of the Family Division's e-filing project, the Oakland Circuit Court has expressed its desire for a limited extension of that project. Consistent with this Court's long-term goals, the Oakland Circuit Court communicated an interest in "a uniform approach and consistent e-filing experience, no matter where, when, and in which court they file" and the court "firmly . . . support[s] . . . the statewide e-filing initiative." Considering Oakland Circuit Court's interest and willingness to partner with the State Court Administrative Office on this statewide effort, the State Court Administrator has recommended a limited extension of the pilot project "to ensure the continuity of e-filing services as [the Oakland Circuit Court, Family Division,] transition[s] from [its] local pilot to the statewide initiative."

On order of the Court, the e-filing pilot project operating in Oakland Circuit Court's Family Division, under Administrative Order No. 2010-3, is extended until June 30, 2015, which is the same expiration date for Oakland Circuit Court's e-filing pilot project authorized by Administrative Order No. 2007-3.

Mich. Admin. Ord. Administrative Order No. 2014-24